Last Call Comment: Formality in SKOS Reference
- State:
- Product:
- Raised by:
- Sean Bechhofer
- Opened on:
- 2008-10-02
- Description:
From Peter Patel-Schneider [1]: I would much prefer to have more formality in this reference document. I feel that it is important to have at least those parts of the SKOS model that fit into RDF or OWL be prominently mentioned. It is true that there is a RDF/XML document that has the OWL 1 portion of SKOS, but this is only mentioned at the very end of the reference document. I feel that it would be much better to mention this RDF/XML document at the beginning of the reference document. I also note that the reference document mentions an outdated version of the RDF/XML document. From Peter Patel-Schneider [2]: The OWL WG generally likes the SKOS Reference document. However, it is the opinion of the WG that there should be more formality in this reference document. It would be best to have those parts of the SKOS model that fit into RDF or OWL be prominently mentioned throughout the reference document and, moreover, that the RDF/XML document that has the OWL 1 portion of SKOS be mentioned at the beginning of the reference document. At this late stage, however, the OWL WG would be satisfied with only the second half of this change. The OWL WG notes that the reference document mentions an outdated version of the RDF/XML document and expects that this will be fixed. The OWL WG notes that the RDF/XML document is *not* normative with respect to the SKOS vocabulary even if it is located at the "root" of the SKOS vocabulary. The OWL WG suggests that reference document indicate that the RDF/XML document is a normative subset of the SKOS specification. [1] [2]
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-154: Formality in SKOS Reference (from on 2008-10-02)
- Re: personal LC comments on SKOS reference document (from on 2008-10-02)
- ISSUE-154 draft response (from on 2008-10-02)
- Re: ISSUE-154 draft response (from on 2008-10-02)
- Re: ISSUE-154 draft response (from on 2008-10-06)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document (from on 2008-10-06)
- Re: ISSUE-154 draft response (from on 2008-10-07)
- Proposed resolution to No Change Issues (from on 2008-10-14)
- Proposed Resolution to Editorial Change issues (from on 2008-10-21)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document [ISSUE-154] (from on 2008-10-22)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document [ISSUE-154] (from on 2008-11-03)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document [ISSUE-154] (from on 2008-12-05)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document [ISSUE-154] (from on 2008-12-05)
- Re: OWL WG LC comment for SKOS reference document [ISSUE-154] (from on 2008-12-08)
Related notes:
2008-11-10: ACTION: Accept
2008-11-10: CHANGE-TYPE: Editorial
2008-12-02: RESOLUTION: The outdated reference was an oversight that has now been rectified. A pointer to the RDF schema has been added to the introduction to the document, along with an explicit statement that the RDF/XML document is a normative subset of the specification. The Working Group propose to close this issue.
2008-12-02: COMMENTER-RESPONSE: Accept
2008-12-02: The commenter accepted, requesting further minor editorial changes. The editors are agreed to implement these also.