Last Call Comment: skos:hasTopConcept and skos:topConceptOf
- State:
- Product:
- Raised by:
- Alistair Miles
- Opened on:
- 2008-09-30
- Description:
Raised by Kjetil Kjernsmo in [1]: """ We have defined a sub:isMainConceptOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:domain skos:Concept ; owl:inverseOf skos:hasTopConcept . so it was great to see that skos:topConceptOf is in! Please keep it there, it is simply much easier for us to use it in development with the present architecture. I haven't followed the debate since this first was debated, but I would like to bring this up again: I do not like the naming of skos:hasTopConcept and skos:topConceptOf. As long as there are associative relationships in the system, it seems meaningless to make the hierarchical relationships more prominent than the associative by connecting this property to the hierarchy. So, that's why I called my inverse of skos:hasTopConcept isMainConceptOf. I think something like that would be better. I haven't thought too carefully about it, but what if: <S> rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme ; skos:hasTopConcept <B> . <B> rdf:type skos:Concept . <A> rdf:type skos:Concept ; skos:related <B> . would this be consistent? I think that's fairly inevitable in our system, and it would certainly break things if we couldn't do this. What if <B> skos:broader <C> . ? """ Requires discussion. [1]
- Related emails:
- ISSUE-130: Last Call Comment: skos:hasTopConcept and skos:topConceptOf (from on 2008-09-30)
- Re: SKOS comment (was: Re: Last Call: SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference; SKOS Primer updated) (from on 2008-09-30)
- ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- RE: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- RE: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- RE: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-01)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-02)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-02)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-10-07)
- Re: ISSUE-130 draft response (from on 2008-11-06)
- ISSUE-130 Last Call Comment: skos:hasTopConcept and skos:topConceptOf (from on 2008-11-06)
- [SKOS] Update on Last Call Comments (from on 2008-12-02)
Related notes:
2008-11-10: ACTION: Accept
2008-11-10: CHANGE-TYPE: None
2008-12-02: RESOLUTION: A typical use of this property is to find and display the top levels of a thesaurus in a tree browsing interface. Because this is such a common requirement, we felt that it makes sense to have a property such as skos:hasTopConcept which is designed to complement the broader/narrower links in the scheme. If you require some other mechanism for identifying entry points into a concept scheme which is not dependent on broader/narrower links, we suggest you define a custom property for this purpose. We propose to make no change to the current specification.
2008-12-15: Closed with no response from commenter.
2008-12-16: COMMENTER-RESPONSE: None