See also: IRC log
<Henny> I'm only in IRC I'm affraid
so is pasquale
<Henny> ok
but william is only on the phone
<shawn> scribe: andrew
henny/pasquale - this is tricky - we will ask specific questions as appropriate. Feel free to add stuff as aproppriate
Shawn: discuss priorities;
schedule; editors
... looking at
... what do we want to get out first in support of WCAG2?
William: stuff that won't change
Shawn: baseline clarity would
have been a priority a few months ago, but not now
... 'about baselines' could be improved
... intersted in perpective on what we feel is important to get
out in the next few months
... is it appropriate to write a simple baseline doc now?
... what are hot issues that will be discussed in the broader
web community that would aprpopriate for us to help
henny? pasquale?
<shawn> in the next 6 weeks
<Henny> one issue is transitioning from wcag1 to wcag2
<pasquale> How People with Disabilities Use the Web
William: an abstract in one screen to get the essentials across
<pasquale> Before/After Demo
<shawn> in the next 6 weeks. realted to wcag 2
<pasquale> ah ok
<pasquale> baseline
William: a series of these for the range of WCAG 2 docs
<pasquale> undestanding wcag
<Henny> transitioning from wcag 1 to 2, more guidance beyond a comparison checklist
<pasquale> Comparison of WCAG 1.0 Checkpoints to WCAG 2.0
william: the Overview page - make is shorter & more concise
Henny: transitioning from wcag 1 to 2, more guidance beyond a comparison checklist
Pasquale: baseline
William: the four suggestions in
the Deliverables is good
... an 'elevator talk' intro to all the docs - to lead them
Andrew: do we know anything about a breakdown of comenmts from the last call responses?
Shawn: we could ask
<Henny> agreed, that would help us focus on what people need
<shawn> NOTE: 2 audiences: novice WCAG20 and those who know more
<scribe> ACTION: consider checking with WCAG on range/type of public comments submitted [recorded in]
Shawn: if we did an FAQ - what woud be some top questions?
<Henny> where do i start? Perhaps...
Shawn: what are people raising in the forums?
Andrew: cognitive & LD
<Henny> baseline and how to set it
<pasquale> yes, baseline is the key
Andrew: what about a description of the principles?
<pasquale> agree
Henny/Paasquale - waht would the basleine questions be?
Henny: baseline is the key. Pasquale support this
Shawn: priorities?
<Henny> what is a reasonable baseline and the javascript issue
Henny: what is a reasonable baseline and the javascript issue
<pasquale> why baseline? who must set it? who helps?
<Henny> we need more examples of baseline
Shawn: what do any of us have to be primary editor on anything?
<pasquale> a sort a best practices
Pasquale: why baseline? who must set it? who helps?
Henny: we need more examples of baseline
Pasquale: a sort a best practices
Shawn: what capacity do any of us have to be primary editor on anything?
William: happy to write stuff for an FAQ
Shawn: a sample requirements doc is
henny/pasquale - any capacity for editing or writing over the next month?
<Henny> possibly
<pasquale> i could help for faq
<Henny> which other docs are we going to do in the next month?
Henny: which other docs are we going to do in the next month?
Shawn: baseline & transitioning short docs
Pasquale: could help for faq
<Henny> could help with either one of those
Shawn: for each doc we would need
the [Purpose, Goals, Objectives] + [Audience] + [Notes]
... what about "w3c process 101" to explain the release
Andrew: happy to help with this one - will attempt a reqs doc
Henny: could help with either one of those
<pasquale> sorry, what is "process 101"?
Henny: could help with either one of those (baseline & transitioning)
"process 101" = an simple explanation
<pasquale> thanks ;-)
pasquale - any particular FAQ you like to draft/write?
<pasquale> i could help william
any particular questions?
<pasquale> i mean FAQ in general
William: will work on tranistioning document
<pasquale> ok
Henny: will assist
<shawn> SUMMARY: WL requirements for tranistioning. to be done early next week
<Henny> happy to help with transitioning doc
<shawn> SUMMARY: Henny to work with WL on transitioning
<scribe> ACTION: william to draft a reqiurements by early next week [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: william to draft a requirements for "transtioning" by early next week [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: henny to contact william regarding working on the "transitioning" document [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: andrew to draft requirements document for "process 101" with shawn's collaboration [recorded in]
pasqaule, would like to help with transitioning at this stage?
<pasquale> yes, i will
<scribe> ACTION: pasquale to contact william regarding working on the "transitioning" document [recorded in]
thanks pasquale - you and henny can add the 'on the ground' stuff
<pasquale> ;-)
<scribe> ACTION: shawn to check with david macdonald re his role in baseline editing [recorded in]
shawn: anything else on priorities or scheduling?
Andrew: enough for now with this small group
Shawn: see -
... see the added material in the box
... any feedback on the approach I am taking - more
... do people understand the term "web content"? is the
definition needed?
<shawn> ACTION: shawn, move or delete "web content" [recorded in]
shawn/pasquale - any comments on the draft in the box?
<pasquale> i find it clear
<pasquale> agree about move "web content"
<Henny> no comments
<amj> Andrew: it is discoursive rather than lists - means you have to read it rather than skim it
<amj> scribenick: amj
Andrew: need to tell people early that the approach is different now - and not to read the TR first
Shawn: any other specific
... on the new text in the box
... trying to deal with the issue that many people went to the
TR first and found it difficlt to understand - hence this
approach, to lead them to the supporting docs first
William: should we lead them to the 'quick reference' earlier?
<Andrew> back - again
<Andrew> scribenick: Andrew
Shawn: quick ref is about techniqiues
<amj> keep dropping off - sorry
<amj> scribenick: amj
Shawn: we will dicuss in EO tomorrow too
<shawn> hi david
<shawn> we're looking at
shawn: what about the existing "Navigating Current WCAG 2.0 Documents"
note: david is from the WCAG w/gp
shawn: what role does David want to play?
<Andrew> scribenick: Andrew
david: descibes some of the background to "about baseline" and "understanding"
h/p - sorry, i can't type fast enough to capture it
<pasquale> andrew, not worry, thanks ;-)
<Henny> yup don't worry! am making notes of questions to ask offline anyway.
david: no suggestion that the concept of a baseline will change
william: waht is the first question people ask?
<Henny> what about adding in a recommended baseline?
david: "what is a baseline?" maybe t's not the right term?
<shawn> henny, out of scope for this discussion
<Henny> any suggestion this may be added
<Henny> ok
david: have some new stuff
written - will let people read it and comment
... my real interest is baseline - what ever time it takes to
get the document right
henny/pasquale - in your views should baseline be #1 priority, or can it wait a bit?
<Henny> i think it is important
<shawn> priorities: Overview, Process 101, Baseline, Transitioning
<pasquale> yes, important to better understand new wcag
in the next month? vs for next 'last call'?
<pasquale> last call
David: 3 questions need to be
answered (?) - maybe we concentrate on these, rather the bigger
... what is a baseline; why can't I define my own; why is it so
Shawn: send to
william: could david write the 'elevator speech' for baseline before next call?
David: good idea - i'll try
<shawn> to david: example "requirements"/analysis:
<shawn> (old one:
Shawn: we need a requirements doc first to guide the development
<scribe> ACTION: david to develop a requirements/analysis doc for a simpler baseline document [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: david to draft an elevator pitch for baseline [recorded in]
shawn: lets try hard to do work
on the mailing list
... will consider whether we meet next week or not, and
<scribe> ACTION: shawn to send the mailing list archive addesss to the task force [recorded in]
Shawn: best eveing/day to all
<pasquale> Bye all! andrew, thank you very much for your scribing
<shawn> Scribe: Andrew
<shawn> mailing list archive:
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127 of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/mcdonald/macdonald/ Succeeded: s/twll/tell/ Succeeded: s/mialing/mailing/ Found Scribe: andrew Inferring ScribeNick: Andrew Found ScribeNick: amj Found ScribeNick: Andrew Found ScribeNick: amj Found ScribeNick: Andrew Found Scribe: Andrew ScribeNicks: Andrew, amj Default Present: Loughborough, Shawn, Andrew_Arch, David_MacDonald WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: william, Shawn, Andrew, David_(for_latter_part_of_meeting)_on_phone;_Henny, Pasquale_on_IRC;) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ William_Loughborough, Shawn_Henry, Andrew_Arch, David_MacDonald Present: William_Loughborough Shawn_Henry Andrew_Arch David_MacDonald (on_IRC:_Henny Pasquale) Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 29 Jun 2006 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: andrew consider david henny pasquale shawn william WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]