Edit comment LC-2049 for Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group

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Comment LC-2049
Commenter: casays <casays@yahoo.com>

Resolution status:

5) Section 4.1.5.

Statement to be added:

"The request MUST NOT be altered Whenever the URI of the
request indicates that the resource being accessed is able
to provide mobile-optimized content, e.g. the domain is
*.mobi, wap.*, m.*, mobile.*, pda.*, imode.*, iphone.*,
or the leading portion of the path is /m/ or /mobile/."

Rationale: The guidelines make the assumption that all
requests may first undergo a transformation before possibly
falling back on a transformationless mode of operation.
This is unwarranted, and does not correspond to the way
many deployed proxies operate.

Obviously, it is rather pointless to go all the way to
send a request to the server and wait for its response
in order to detect whether the resources accessed are for
mobile use, when it is already possible to do this by
inspecting the request of the client. The addition to the
guidelines covers this situation, and corresponds to the
state of the art in transformation proxies. It is also
consistent with the heuristic serving to determine whether
a response is already mobile-optimized. Following this
new guideline improves the performance of the entire
content delivery chain without loss of functionality,
and is congruent with the stated objective of the
guidelines of not disturbing mobile-optimized content.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 2049.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:43:18 dom Exp $
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