In this section we extend terms, as defined in Section Positive Conditions, with lists formalized as sequences.
The alphabet of the language is extended with the symbols Seq and |, and the language of positive conditions in Section Symbols and Signatures is extended with list terms, essentially sequences.
***TBD: In BLD/Syntax, permit polyadic signature for Seq or equivalent mechanism. |
Sequence terms. A sequence term has one of these forms:
A non-extended sequence is of the form Seq ( t1 ... tm ), where t1 , ..., tm are terms.
An extended sequence is of the form Seq ( t1 ... tn | t ), where n>0 and t1 , ..., tn, t are terms.
For m=0, the non-extended sequence Seq ( ) is called the empty sequence.
EBNF for the Presentation Syntax
We now extend the presentation syntax of Positive Conditions to a presentation syntax for sequences.
EBNF grammar TERM ::= Const | Var | Uniterm | LIST LIST ::= 'Seq' '(' TERM* ')' | 'Seq' '(' TERM+ ` | ` TERM ')'
For example, three Prolog lists can be represented as follows.
Example 1 (presentation syntax of empty, non-extended, and extended lists) Prolog: a. [] b. [a,Y,c] c. [a,Y,c|Z] RIF: a. Seq ( ) b. Seq ( a ?Y c ) c. Seq ( a ?Y c | ?Z )
XML Syntax
The following is an XML-serializing mapping of the presentation syntax in Section EBNF for the Presentation Syntax, extending the one in Section Positive Conditions.
Classes, roles and their intended meaning - Seq (sequence) - rest (rest role)
Example 2 shows the serialization of the three lists of Example 1.
Example 2 (XML syntax of empty, non-extended, and extended lists) a. <Seq/> b. <Seq> <Const>a</Const> <Var>Y</Var> <Const>c</Const> </Seq> c. <Seq> <Const>a</Const> <Var>Y</Var> <Const>c</Const> <rest><Var>Z</Var></rest> </Seq>
Lists can be decomposed, e.g. in conditions using explicit equality as shown in Example 3.
Example 3 (List equality) a. Presentation syntax: Seq ( Head | Tail ) = Seq ( a Y c ) b. XML syntax: <Equal> <Seq> <Var>head</Var> <rest><Var>tail</Var></rest> </Seq> <Seq> <Const>a</Const> <Var>Y</Var> <Const>c</Const> </Seq> </Equal>
This equality is true since <Var>head</Var> can be equated to <Const>a</Const> and <Var>tail</Var> can be equated to <Seq><Var>Y</Var><Const>c</Const></Seq>.
Nested lists as allowed by the grammar are illustrated in Example 4.
Example 4 (Nested list) a. Presentation syntax: Seq ( a Seq ( X b ) c ) b. XML syntax: <Seq> <Const>a</Const> <Seq> <Var>X</Var> <Const>b</Const> </Seq> <Const>c</Const> </Seq>
Translation Between the Presentation and the XML Syntaxes
The translation from the presentation syntax to the XML syntax is given by a table, below, which extends the translation table of Positive Conditions.
Presentation Syntax | XML Syntax |
Seq ( element1 . . . elementm ) | <Seq> element1 . . . elementm </Seq> |
Seq ( element1 . . . elementn | remainder ) | <Seq> element1 . . . elementn <rest>remainder</rest> </Seq> |
A sequence is interpreted through a nesting of pairs. The interpretation of a sequence with a top-level | leads to an innermost pair with the term after the | as its second argument. For illustration,
Seq ( a ?Y c | ?R)
is interpreted through
A sequence without a top-level |, equivalent to having a top-level | followed by Seq ( ), leads to an innermost pair with nil as its second argument. For illustration,
Seq ( a ?Y c )
is equivalent to
Seq ( a ?Y c | Seq ( )),
which is interpreted through
Generally, for the semantics of lists we refine the mapping I, defined in Section Positive Conditions, as follows:
I(f ( t1 ... tn )) = IF(f)(I(t1),...,I(tn)), if f is not equal to Seq
I(Seq ( )) = nil
I(Seq ( t1 ... tn )) = pair(I(t1),...pair(I(tn),nil)...)
I(Seq ( t1 ... tn | t)) = pair(I(t1),...pair(I(tn),I(t))...)
The resulting binary nestings are given a fixed interpretation by a binary pairing function pair, where pair(a,b) can be thought of as denoting the domain element pair(a,b). For non-extended sequences, the second arguments of innermost pairs are given a fixed interpretation by the empty-list element nil, added to the domain.
The mapping to RDF lists via pair-like nestings can be done as in OWL 1.1.