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What might an extension look like?

Profile of BLD, removing Equality:

Remove this production from the grammar:
   Equal = element Equal { side, side }

From this disjunction production, remove the "Equal" branch
   ATOMIC = Uniterm | Equal

or, in XML, something like:

         ... ID of that production?
         ... ID of the Equal non-terminal
   ... other information about the Profile

Let's call what that produces "BLDWOE" (BLD WithOutEquality).

The extension to BLDWOE to add Equality would look like this:

Add this production to the grammar:
   Equal = element Equal { side, side }

Modify this disjunctive production, adding an "Equal" branch:
   ATOMIC = Uniterm | Equal

or, in XML:

   ... the modify part...
   ... other information about the Profile

Now, ATOMIC is an intermedia class (non-terminal) without an disjunction, so it's purpose isn't clear. We might remove it. We might not have had it there in the first place.

Like this:

Remove this production from the grammar:
   Equal = element Equal { side, side }

Remove this production from the grammar:
   ATOMIC = Uniterm | Equal

Globally Replace the symbol "ATOMIC" with the symbol "Uniterm"

Let's say what that produces is BLDWOE2 (BLD WithOutEquality2).

To add Equality to BLDWOE2:

Add this production to the grammar:
   Equal = element Equal { side, side }

Add this production to the grammar:
   ATOMIC = Uniterm | Equal

In this production, replace "Uniterm" with "ATOMIC"
   RULE = Forall | Implies | Uniterm

In these production, replace "Uniterm" with "ATOMIC"
   RULE = Forall | Implies | Uniterm
   CONDITION = And | Or | Exists | Uniterm
   then = element then { Uniterm }

# note that we don't do it in 
#     TERM = Const | Var | Uniterm

If we write the grammars without intermedia classes, this is a lot simpler.