ACTION-682: Edit ISSUE-81 to explain the technical reason that make owl:real, xsd:hexBinary, xsd:base64Binary incompatible with RIF current data types
Edit ISSUE-81 to explain the technical reason that make owl:real, xsd:hexBinary, xsd:base64Binary incompatible with RIF current data types
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Jos de Bruijn
- Due on:
- January 13, 2009
- Created on:
- January 6, 2009
- Related emails:
- Minutes from Feb. 3rd (from on 2009-02-06)
- [DTB] ACTION-682 completed (from on 2009-01-07)
- Minutes of the Jan 2009 Telecon (from on 2009-01-06)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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