A Plague o' Both Our Houses?
Topic Maps and the Semantic Web
Introducing RDFTM
Steve Pepper
Chief Strategy Officer, Ontopia
Steve Pepper – "The Topic Maps guy"
Convenor of the ISO Topic Maps committee
Editor of
XML Topic Maps 1.0
Author of
The TAO of Topic Maps
Ontopia – "The Topic Maps Company"
Long term interest in the relationship between RDF and Topic Maps
Ten theses on Topic Maps and RDF
(June 2000)
Living with Topic Maps and RDF
(May 2003)
Curing the Web's Identity Crisis
(May 2003)
Joined W3C in October 2004 at the instigation of Eric Miller to work on RDF/Topic Maps interoperability
"Two households, both alike in dignity..."
During the late 1990s the W3C and ISO developed two semantic technologies in parallel
Two communities, largely unaware of each other
Tackling the same fundamental problems
("Where's my stuff?")
Semantic interoperability
("How do I connect my stuff?")
The results were RDF and Topic Maps
RDF and Topic Maps have many similarities...
Both "extend" XML into the realm of semantics
Both allow assertions to be made about subjects in the outside world
Both define abstract, associative (graph-based) models
Both are very concerned with identity
Both allow some measure of inferencing or reasoning
Both have XML-based interchange syntaxes
Both have constraint languages and query languages
...and this naturally led to calls for unification
Extreme Markup 2000:
"Free-for-all" between The Two Erics (Miller and Freese)
Michael Sperberg-McQueen:
"Lock them in a room together until they agree!"
Easier said than done, because...
There are also significant differences...
Different roots
Topic Maps: Traditional finding aids (indexes, thesauri, etc.)
RDF: Document metadata and formal logic
Different levels of semantics
RDF is more low level
Topic Maps has more higher-level semantics
More differences...
Different models (down in the details)
Identity, scope, association roles, n-ary relationships, variant names, ...
Different goals
RDF: An artificially intelligent web for software agents
Topic Maps: Findability and knowledge integration for humans
So unification never happened
Some interesting work was done...
But the perception of rivalry is still causing damage
Time to move beyond rivalry
Let's look for the synergies instead!
Both families have user communities
Neither standard will go away anytime soon
Common interest in the success of semantic technologies
Semantics are hard enough to explain to the market as it is
A standards war will indeed lead to a Plague o' Both Our Houses...
RDF and Topic Maps
Different strengths, different weaknesses
Let's recognize this
And let's go for
That's the goal of RDFTM...
RDFTM: "What's in a name?"
RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Task Force
A task force within the SemWeb Best Practices Working Group
Chartered to deliver two documents:
Survey of Existing Interoperability Proposals (WG Note)
First draft of Survey recently delivered to WG
Guidelines for RDFTM Interoperability (WG Note or Recommendation)
First draft of Guidelines for Extreme Markup 2005
Only five years late, Michael :-)
Interested parties, please join us!
"Parting is such sweet sorrow"