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From Device Description Working Group Wiki
Sample IDL
This page contains some sample IDL that is intended to act as a stimulus for discussion on the eventual form of the DDR API.
An initial, very simple, IDL for a DDR API
// A simple seed IDL for the DDR. // This one just has a Get method; no structured types or any // other well-formed features we expect of the final API. module ddrcore { // Declarations typedef string OntologyIdentifier; // Responsibility of the UWA group typedef string RepositoryId; typedef string InformalDescription; // i.e. Needs a human to interpret interface Repository; // Definitions struct ContextKey { string agentSignature; }; exception DDRException { unsigned short code; }; const unsigned short UNSPECIFIED_ERROR = 1; const unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR = 2; const unsigned short ACCESS_VIOLATION = 3; const unsigned short SYNTAX_ERROR = 4; interface MinimalRepository { readonly attribute string name; readonly attribute RepositoryId id; InformalDescription getInformalValue ( in ContextKey contextKey; in OntologyIdentifier propertyName; ) raises(DDRException); } };
Questions raised by this example
- Should we be using well known types from other domains, such as DOMString?
- What should be the true nature of the ContextKey type?
- Can a Get method return a null/empty response?
- Should a failure to get something (because it's not there) be an Exception, or should a special return value be used?
- Should an explicit set of values be used for Exception codes, or should an enum type be used?