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Group Participants

Active members of the DDWG. These are people who participate in weekly conference calls and quarterly face-to-face meetings. Their contributions can be viewed on the public mailing list, this wiki and other publications of the DDWG.

Name Affiliation IRC Nicks WikiName
Appelquist, Dan Vodafone DKA  ??
Calvayrac, Jean-Charles Citigroup  ??  ??
Cantera Fonseca, José Manuel Telefónica jcantera  ??
Carlsson, Pontus Drutt Corporation Pontus  ??
Casero Escamilla, Rafael SATEC Rafa  ??
Denev, Dimitar Fraunhofer FIT dimitar  ??
Ekstrand, Anders Drutt Corporation Anders Anders
Garcia, Rodrigo CTIC Rodrigo  ??
Hanrahan, Rotan  !MobileAware Ltd Rotan RotanHanrahan
Hierro Sureda, Juan José Telefónica  ??  ??
Hjelm, Johan Ericsson  ??  ??
Jones, Martin Volantis Systems Ltd MartinJ  ??
Kang Su Jung Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd  ??  ??
Kroh, Pavel U-Turn Media Group  ??  ??
Lewis, Rhys Volantis Systems Ltd Rhys  ??
Marín, Nacho CTIC Nacho  ??
Nkeze, Eman The Boeing Company Eman  ??
Rabin, Jo dotMobi jo  ??
Smith, Kevin Vodafone KrcSmith KevinSmith
Smith, Mike W3C MikeSmith, billyjack MikeSmith
So, Koung Suk SK Telecom  ??  ??
Sullivan, Bryan AT&T Bryan  ??
Trasatti, Andrea dotMobi Andrea AndreaTrasatti
Womer, Matt W3C matt MattWomer
Yi, Jongpil Samsung jongpil  ??

Many of these were present at the 2006 Workshop.

This list will grow as more members commence active participation.

The group is chaired by Rotan Hanrahan. The W3C team contacts are Matt Womer and Mike Smith.