ISSUE-252: Currency of Scope Document
Scope Document
Currency of Scope Document
- State:
- Product:
- Mobile Web Applications Best Practices
- Raised by:
- Jo Rabin
- Opened on:
- 2008-05-22
- Description:
- My ACTION-687 (from Seoul I'm afraid) was to raise an ISSUE on the currency of the scope document so that we can decide whether to reference it from BP-2.
It is referenced in the current draft [1]: 'These recommendations (MWABP) follow in the footsteps of the Mobile Web Best Practices (BP1), for which the scope was laid out in "Scope of Mobile Web Best Practices" [Scope]'
My view is that BP-2 was not envisaged by the Scope document with the subject matter that it now encompasses, and that reference to it does not contribute to its understanding.
I suggest that the reference is dropped and that, as I mentioned elsewhere, the wording "follow in the footsteps" be adjusted to be more precise about the relationship between the two documents.
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- [minutes] Thursday 03 July 2008 Teleconf (from on 2008-07-03)
- ISSUE-252 (Scope Document): Currency of Scope Document [Mobile Web Applications Best Practices] (from on 2008-05-22)
Related notes:
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: remove reference to scope of BP1 from BP2
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, 3 Jul 2008, 09:33:54Resolution taken
François Daoust, 3 Jul 2008, 15:31:17Display change log