
There are 57 products listed in the system.

ID Name Open Issues Open Actions
5  (edit) 1. Introduction 0 0
6  (edit) 1.1 The Problem of Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning 0 0
7  (edit) 1.2 The Incubator Group Activity (XG) 0 0
8  (edit) 2. Intent and Process 0 0
9  (edit) 2.1 Scope of the URW3 0 0
10  (edit) 2.2 Process 0 0
11  (edit) 3. Uncertainty Ontology 0 0
12  (edit) 3.1 Classes of the Uncertainty Ontology 4 0
13  (edit) 3.2 Properties of the Uncertainty ontology 0 0
14  (edit) 4. Most Commonly Used Approaches to Uncertainty for the WWW 0 0
15  (edit) 4.1 Bayesian Models 0 0
16  (edit) 4.2 Fuzzy Logic 0 0
17  (edit) 5. Use Cases 0 0
18  (edit) 5.1 Discovery 0 0
27  (edit) 5.10 A Chain from the Web to the USer 0 0
28  (edit) 5.11 Appointment Making 0 0
29  (edit) 5.12 User Preference Modeling for top-k Answers 0 0
30  (edit) 5.13 Ontology Mediated Multimedia Information Retrieval 0 0
31  (edit) 5.14 Buying Speakers 0 0
19  (edit) 5.2 Wine Sweetness 0 0
20  (edit) 5.3 Use Cases Motivating Refinement of Uncertainty Ontology 0 0
21  (edit) 5.4 Belief Fusion and Opinion Pooling 0 0
22  (edit) 5.5 Ontology Based Reasoning and Retrieval from Large-Scale Databases 0 0
23  (edit) 5.6 SOA Execution Context 0 0
24  (edit) 5.7 Recommendation 0 0
25  (edit) 5.8 Extraction / Annotation 0 0
26  (edit) 5.9 Soft Shopping Agent 0 0
32  (edit) 6. Benefits of Standardization 0 0
33  (edit) 6.1 Goals of Standardization 1 0
34  (edit) 6.2 Aspects of Uncertainty Reasoning for Potential Standardization 0 0
35  (edit) 6.3 Methodologies that would be Supported by Potential Standardization 0 0
36  (edit) 7. Recommendations 0 0
37  (edit) 7.1 Overall Conclusions of XG Work 0 0
38  (edit) 7.2 Specific Recommendations for Standardization 0 0
39  (edit) 8. Acknowledgements 0 0
42  (edit) A.1. Use case 1: Discovery 0 0
51  (edit) A.10 Use Case 10: A Chain from the Web to the User 0 0
52  (edit) A.11 Use Case 11: Making an Appointment 0 0
53  (edit) A.12 Use Case 12: User Preference Modeling for top-k Answers 0 0
54  (edit) A.13. Use case 13: Ontology Mediated Information Retrieval 0 0
55  (edit) A.14 Use Case 14: Buying Speakers 0 0
43  (edit) A.2. Use case 2: Wine Sweetness 0 0
44  (edit) A.3 Use Case 3: Use Cases Motivating Refinement of Uncertainty Ontology 0 0
45  (edit) A.4. Use case 4: Belief fusion / Opinion pooling 0 0
46  (edit) A.5. Use case 5: Ontology Based Reasoning and Retrieval from Large-Scale Databases 0 0
47  (edit) A.6. Use case 6: SOA Execution Context 0 0
48  (edit) A.7. Use case 7: Recommendation 0 0
49  (edit) A.8 Use Case 8: Extraction-Annotation 0 0
50  (edit) A.9. Use case 9: Soft Shopping Agent 0 0
1  (edit) Abstract 0 0
41  (edit) Appendix A: Use Cases 0 0
56  (edit) Appendix B: UncAnn 0 0
4  (edit) Entire document 0 0
57  (edit) other 0 0
40  (edit) Reference List 0 0
2  (edit) Status 0 0
3  (edit) Table of Contents 0 0

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