Minutes for 6 February 2008 URW3 Meeting




  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting.   Note, the minutes are linked from http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/#Minutes.
  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting.
  3. Editing team report on status of final report.
  4. Discuss issues tracking for final report - explanation of Tracker and how to use.
  5. Other business.

Scribe:  Pavel Smrz

Discussion summary:

  1. Approve minutes from previous meeting. 

    Minutes from previous meeting approved.

  2. Review status of action items from previous meeting

    Action 1: Everyone respond to editing team by Friday 25 January accepting or declining assignments.

    Sebastian Kruk apologized, he has to finish his PhD thesis, cannot contribute. Other subgroups generally accepted.  Editing team knows who to expect to contribute.

    Action 2:

    Ken to ask for tracker instance to be set up for XG.

    Ken has obtained Tracker instance for URW3 and needs to share with us how to use it.

    Action 3:

    Mitch to continue working on the speaker use case.

    Action carried over.

    Action 4:

    Thomas to ask Vipul to flesh out medical use case by certain date.

    Thomas talked to Vipul and he agreed to do it, but doesn't have a date.

  3. Editing team report on status of final report

    Run through the use cases during the telecon.
    Mitch reminded authors that use cases need to be annotated with uncertainty ontology.
    Claudia reported that Section 5.2 - Wine Sweetness almost done, will be annoted with the uncertainty ontology.
    Ernesto asked that contributors to Recommendation and Apoointment Making use cases have separate call.
    Peter suggested to rename Section 5.3 to "Uncertainty Annotation for Extraction of Information".
    Section 5.12 - Other Use Cases - will be dropped. We have enough use cases unless there is something specific needed.
    For 5.15, we are hoping that Vipul will pick up.
    Section 5.16 will be addressed by Kathy Mitch Peter.

    The editing team should review content of Section 5 and decide whether it is adequate or whether there should be directions on standard content and presentation.  Editing team to have discussion on phone.
    Peter recommended a common structure of sections 5.x.y: situation, problem, why UncAnn helps.
    Ken suggested editing team provide html template and allow authors to fit their text to it.

    Kathy, Thomas and Paulo will write Section 4 based on the book chapter they have already written.

    Our next telecon should focus on what goes into Sections 6 and 7. Please everyone think about this. Mitch will set up wiki pages for benefits and recommendations and send emails requesting discussion.

    Wiki will be open until February 20 so people have a chance to make edits consistent with directions of editing team.

  4. Discuss issues tracking for final report - explanation of Tracker and how to use.

    Ken already has action item for this. At the moment, we are not at the point of issues tracking, but will be soon. Ken will try to have this out early next week.

  5. Other business
  6. Ken said whole XG process is currently an experiment, not part of how W3C does business. It was a 2-year trial, decided to extend another year. There were people who wanted to open an XG but couldn't because of company's patent or IP. Next big W3C Advisory Committee meeting is in April in Beijing. Prior to the meeting, W3C chairs will be surveyed asking about experience. At meeting will be discussion on future of XGs. Ken will keep us all posted... Everyone is invited to provide Ken with feedback on this XG and your thoughts about XGs in general.

Meeting was adjourned.

Action items

  1. ACTION (1): Ken to investigate how to use Tracker and share with rest of us.
  2. ACTION (2): Kathy, Peter and Mitch to meet by phone to do speaker use case and go over uncertainty ontology.
  3. ACTION (3): Mitch to continue working on the speaker use case.
  4. ACTION (4): Thomas will follow up with Vipul and get firm date to flesh out medical use case.
  5. ACTION (5): Ernesto and other contributors to recommendation and appointment making have a conference call.
  6. ACTION (6): Editors bug authors of use cases to annotate them.
  7. ACTION (7): Editing team have telecon to decide recommendation for content and presentation of section 5.
  8. ACTION (8): Mitch to set up wiki pages for benefits and recommendations and send emails requesting discussion.
  9. ACTION (9): Ken will page-scrape today's wiki report and save it.