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21 Jul 2010
OWEA Treasurer's Report
Glenda said she would like to add another signer to the OWEA bank account. She is working to add Ben Friedman to the account. Glenda will submit a treasurer's report in early August. Just FYI, we have just over $2000.
SXSW 2011 Panel Submission
WaSP OWEA panel submitted for consideration for SXSW 2011 We will keep you posted on if our panel is selected.
Web Directions USA
John Allsopp, Leslie Jensen-Inman, Aarron Walter and Ben Friedman met to discuss plans for a WE Rock Event and a Web Futures event in Atlanta in September. Details on how you can help coming soon. Mark is willing to participate in the WE Rock / Web Futures events virtually (via Adobe Connect or the like) Craig is interested in seeing how he and his students can get involved with WE Rock / Web Futures.
New Contexts / New Practices AIGA Conference
Great upcoming conference focused on Web Design http://www.ncsu.edu/graphicdesign/newcontexts/ http://www.amcis2010.org/home/ Doug is attending and hoping to bring folks from his local community college to this as well.
Shuttleworth Grant
We are currently waiting to hear back from the grant proposal we made to Shuttleworth. No news at this point. http://www.mozilla.org/grants/education-fellowship.html Project description for OWEA (for this grant) is posted at http://www.drumbeat.org/project/open-web-education-alliance
National Web Design Contest
Mark reported on the WoW National Web Design Contest held in June 2010. You can read more about this great competition at http://webprofessionals.org/community/contests/ and on Mark's blog http://www.markdubois.info/weblog/ This competition introduces students to web standards and best practices in a real and meaningful way. It has a profound effect on the students and often results in them returning to their schools and asking to be taught web standards. Kudos to Mark for the great work he does each year on spreading the word via this competition.
Upcoming Presentation at AMCIS 2010
Craig Piercy and Aarron Walter will be conducting a workshop at AMCIS 2010 in Lima, Peru on Using standard-based Web technologies and open curriculum (WaSP Interact) in IT/IS Programs You can learn more about the conference and their workshop at http://www.amcis2010.org/
W3C Update
Doug gave a brief update on the strategic planning process at the W3C being led by the new CEO, Jeff Jaffee. We hope to see a W3C strategic plan in late Fall 2010, at which time we can begin conversations on the best way for OWEA to work with the W3C (either as an integral part of the W3C or an independent entity that is best friends with the W3C)