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12 May 2010
Minutes for OWEA Conference Call on 12 May 2010
Treasurer's report
Glenda posted an Excel document giving current information.[4:06pm] MarkDuBois:good work on the report
The OWEA site
ben_friedman:dev link for the records: http://dev.iconologic.com/owea/
Suggestions for more content: more about the donations, a better thank you page for after the donation, get Leslie's feedback before it goes live, remove the W3C logo.
Any suggestions about the web page, please reply to Ben's thread about it in Basecamp.
InterACT book will be out soon. An online event around the release scheduled on June 11. The online event will be specifically aimed at educators. Web Directions North is in Atlanta Sept 21-25, 2010. Some sort of OWEA or WERocks event will probably be part of WDN. May 26 Jeff Jaffee will be in our OWEA meeting for the first 30 minutes.
Lars reports on Sweden
Lars is meeting with National education groups and turning in his recommendations and courses. Positive support for accessibiity and web standards to help support Lars' proposals is needed and welcome.
Accessibility Law Suit in US
Mark reported about pilot programs and CRM Decisions not to pay for any CRM system, and need to retain direct control over the data[4:36pm] SugarCRM is the selected one. Mark will post the location on Basecamp He is still waiting for the semester to end so that pilot program documentation can be completed