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09 Jun 2010

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  • OWEA Treasurer's Report
  • Shuttleworth Grant Application
  • InterACT Web Summit this Friday, June 11
  • OWEA YouTube Channel
  • AIGA National Support for OWEA
  • New Contexts / New Practices Conference Opportunity
  • OWEA Article / Leslie Jensen-Inman Interview in .net
  • Hope for a WE Rock event in Sweden
  • InterACT Book
  • Thanks!

OWEA Treasurer's Report

Current balance of our account is $2183.91 as of June 3, 2010.  Detailed report posted in basecamp. [4:22pm]

Topic:  Shuttleworth Grant Application

Application submitted.  Woot! See our OWEA YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/OpenWebEd A huge thanks to Chris Mills and Henny Swan for stepping up to the plate and writing, video taping and submitting the application for this fellowship. Please encourage everyone you know to check out our application at http://www.drumbeat.org/project/open-web-education-alliance Help us with OWEA outreach by asking people to join drumbeat.org and vote for the OWEA project at http://www.drumbeat.org/project/open-web-education-alliance (the more votes we can get...the better!)

We will keep you posted on the grant process.  I think there is a very fast turn around on this review process. The article at http://www.drumbeat.org/blog/got-big-idea-moz-shuttleworth-fellowship says that Mozilla/Shuttleworth will interview the top five candidates in late June 2010.  So, keep your fingers crossed and spread the word about voting for this project in drumbeat.org!

Topic:  InterACT Web Summit this Friday, June 11

http://www.environmentsforhumans.com/ is hosting a free virtual conference based on the InterACT Curriculum and Book Date of event is June 11, 201o. Details are posted at http://interactsummit.eventbrite.com/ Topics include:  Learning on the Web, Information Architecture, Accessibility, CSS3, HTML5 and how to integrate this curriculum into the classroom. Event is at "standing room only" (which means all 200 virtual seats are filled).  Ari Stiles and Christopher Schmitt are so generous to provide this virtual conference platform for this event.

OWEA YouTube Channel

I've created an OWEA YouTubeChanel at http://www.youtube.com/user/OpenWebEd and posted a slideshow with audio from a radio interview with Leslie Jensen-inman (and yes, it is captioned, would we have it any other way?) Ben is also trying to get his hands on the video footage from the WE Rock event in Chattanooga, so we can splice it, dice it, and serve up the individual talks on YouTube (and make them available on our site as well)

And you heard it here.  Glenda volunteers to caption the talks from WE Rock Chattanooga.

AIGA National Support for OWEA

Ben reported on the recent AIGA National Leadership Retreat where he, Leslie Jensen-Inman and Wes McWhorter shared the vision and progress of OWEA with Ric Grefé, the exec director of AIGA national. AIGA is very excited about working with us on outreach (and more) to further the Open Web Education Alliance mission and goals.

New Contexts / New Practices Conference Opportunity

Ben reported that OWEA has an opportunity to present/be a part of the upcoming "New Contexts / New Practices Conference" October 8-10, 2010 in Raleigh, NC.  This is a AIGA Design Educators Conference. Wes provided the URL for the event which is http://www.ncsu.edu/graphicdesign/newcontexts/ This is a fantastic opportunity for OWEA to reach out and share Open Web Education Curriculum with design educators.  Watch for an update on this event.

OWEA Article / Leslie Jensen-Inman Interview in .net

Leslie Jensen-Inman was interviewed by http://www.netmag.co.uk/ If any one knows where the full article is posted (or when it will be posted) please let us know (Leslie is sick and we don't want to wake her from her fever induced slumber) As soon as we know the URL of this article...let's share it far and wide.

Hope for a WE Rock event in Sweden

Lars reports that he is in the initial planning stages for hosting a WE Rock event in Sweden in Spring 2011.  He is making connections with University West in his hometown of Trollhättan, and will keep us posted on his progress.

InterACT Book

The book is now available.  Help spread the word to educators and remember that 25% of the author proceeds are donated to the Open Web Education Alliance.  http://interactwithwebstandards.com/


gsims: I just wanted to say, this is a very exciting time in the evolution of OWEA.  Thanks to everyone for their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm.  It is amazing what we have accomplished in such a short period of time.  Let's keep the momentum going.