You changed the topic to "Geo-ontologies large and small".
[12:29pm] chrisGoad: speaking of small:
[12:29pm] joshli: Looking...
[12:29pm] chrisGoad: must have been done many times before ...
[12:30pm] chrisGoad: just owlification of the georss gml section
[12:31pm] joshli: Dribs and drabs. Just needs to be pulled together. Now,
Drexel did do something, but not simply enough to be appealing, like
[12:37pm] joshli:
[12:39pm] mikeliebhold joined the chat room.
[12:42pm] joshli: Discussion on telecon of the GeoRSS definition at the first
[12:42pm] joshli: Mike, are you interested in joining the telecon?
[12:45pm] mikeliebhold: I would like to, thanks. but have to clear my
calendar...checking now. worst, case I'll read the logs here of any text
[12:45pm] chrisGoad: hi mike
[12:45pm] mikeliebhold: hi chris!!!
[12:45pm] chrisGoad: been a while
[12:46pm] chrisGoad: it would be cool to have you in these chats
[12:46pm] mikeliebhold: congratulaions on ast annivereary a platial
[12:46pm] joshli: I have been putting call minutes on the GeoXG site, but
haven't had much luck using the utlities here (rrsagent) to generate coherent
[12:46pm] chrisGoad: thnx
[12:46pm] mikeliebhold: josÙli: ok I'll follow-up there.. incompatible
[12:47pm] • mikeliebhold meant Joshli:
[12:47pm] joshli: We won't have calls the next two Mondays - holidays and
all, but will resume in Jan
[12:52pm] joshli: Mike (and Chris as well) - would be useful to get some
feedback / additions to the Geo XG use cases.
[12:52pm] joshli: But main thing is to finish georss.owl
[12:54pm] joshli: Call finished, but happy to continue chatting here, while I
go to another telecon
[12:55pm] chrisGoad: k ; actually, i'll be heading into portland pretty
[12:55pm] joshli: Do also take a look at the ontologies wiki page:
[12:55pm] chrisGoad: will do, thnx
[12:56pm] joshli: We discussed these components in San Diego and I'll try to
pull together some of the resources for them, e.g. the Drexel ontologies,
[End of minutes]