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Federated Social Web Summit 2012/notes
Taken live during the meeting on https://etherpad.mozilla.org/fsw
Welcome to the 2012 Federated Social Web Summit
2012-300 at Say Media HQ, San Francisco
This document: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/fsw
Other URLs:
- Twitter search: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23fsw2012+OR+%23fsws+OR+%23fsws2012
- Feel free to /join #indiewebcamp on Freenode for backchannel: irc://irc.freenode.net/indiewebcamp
All contributions to this document are CC0. Contribute at your own risk! ;)
Note takers (please help!)
- Tantek Çelik - http://tantek.com/
- Evan Prodromou - http://evan.status.net
Evan Prodromou - introduction to the day
- open source social stream server
- microblogging
- identi.ca gravitational pull
- bad onboarding
Really big challenges
- Microblogging origin
- Enterprise vs. consumer
- AGPLv3
- ActivityStrea.ms Atom for data
- PuSH
- WebFinger or URLs
- Salmon
Good stuff:
- PuSH streams are everywhere
- Salmon unimplemented - besides Cliqset (defunct), Statusnet is the only one that rolled it out
- World moved to JSON
- PuSH publishers, but not a lot of subscribers
Really bad challenges
Recently: Pump.io
- node.js, NoSQL,
API: inbox and outbox
Shane Caraveo of Mozilla Apps Group
working on Social API in Firefox
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Social_API
- https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2012/10/22/help-us-test-the-social-api-with-facebook-messenger-for-firefox/
- in Firefox beta, download and try it out
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/SocialAPI
"bringing social functionality into the browser"
Julien of Superfeedr
- PubSubHubbub progress
Tantek Çelik
IndieWebCamp - http://indiewebcamp.com/Main_Page
Erin Jo Richey:
- PuPuPu - push, pull, publish
- erinjorichey.com
Joar Wandborg - http://wandborg.se
- http://talka.tv
- Working on an open source veresion of Disqus
- Using CORS of XMLHttpRequest level 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing)
- built on Python & Flask microframework
- SQLAlchemy
Chris Webber
- Mediagoblin - http://mediagoblin.org/
- Decentralized Facebook/Youtube - media hosting
- showed video
- Cat massacre!
Jaisen Mathai
- Open Photo project - http://theopenphotoproject.org/
- wanted to makes sure all the photos we take of our kids are around when they're 20 years old
- synchronize online photo services
- synchronized across multiple devices
- supports DH dreambojects, S3, local ++ for storage
Harlan Wood
- entrepreneur working on a startup - http://enlightenedstructure.org/
- Demos:
- http://alpha.openyourproject.org -- fork CC web page to smallest federated wiki instance
- http://www.forkthecommons.org/ -- fork CC web page to markdown in github
- Distributed and forkable content
- creating a new federated wiki instance at test-fed.harlan-t-wood.openyourproject.org
- working on a gem to do reverse markdown - convert HTML to markdown - https://github.com/xijo/reverse_markdown/
- will import (only) cc license
- polyglot on the back end
- Goals: diff and merge as well as forking. See: http://enlightenedstructure.org/Software_Zero/
Martin Atkins / Say Media
- building blocks kind of guy
- SayMedia
- now owns Typepad
- dialback authentication http://martin.atkins.me.uk/domain-federation-protocol/
- Elgg - http://www.elgg.org/
- started in 2003 as a thesis project for education, grown into an open source project by Ben Werduller and David Tosh
- Brett took over as lead developer in 2008
- late 2010 -> open source, foundation
- Dept of Energy has internal social network
- Dutch gvt uses for internal comm
- lorea is an offshoot, based in Spain
Ben Werdmuller
- used to work on Elgg
- now working on latakoo: http://latakoo.com - "Make Video Simple"
- communication through different identity schemes
- needs of media companies to publish
Patrick Deegan
- open source for ... ? (showed a PDF document with a outline tree of people/projects)
- http://idcubed.org
- moonshine for big data
- personal control of data, user access control,
- user-centric data store, Python, Django
- personal data sharing
Tom Brown
- Ruby developer, Austin
- Alternative currencies
- blog: http://www.opensourcecurrency.org/
- Soci -> open source currency (this is kind of nuts)
- VBSR market
- Opentransact.org
occupy.net Sam Boyer and Andrew Mullin
- provide collaboration systems to occupy
- http://directory.occupy.net - built in Drupal
- Semantic interoperation is it possible
- OpenStreetMaps
Sylvain Carle - afroginthevalley.com
- did a distributed yelp two startups ago - Praized then Needium
- from Montreal originally, now living in SF
- now a developer advocate at Twitter
- Great Open Source support
- Rules of the road in Twitter content.
- @froginthevalley
- http://github.com/twitter
Joseph Smarr
- 3(!) years on Google+
- opensocialweb.org bill of rights for social web 5 years ago - Sept 5, 2007
prev. CTO at plaxxo
- working on google+
- –
- tripwires in API tos docs harm federation between bigger players
- examples of what copies of data can do: timehop, jolicloud me, klout
- Ideal: POSSE
- Practical: Get every site to give me a feed of my own content unencumbered by own TOS
- (Re)building a movement in 3 steps
- 1. apps that demonstrate benefits of data portability
- 2. movement adovcating user rights
- 3. bridge gaps with proxy services
Brad Fitzpatrick - http://bradfitz.com - @bradfitz
Two things
- WebFinger
- status from my point of view
- has to move faster
- Camlistore (http://camlistore.org)
- summary, status update
- own your shit
Phil Wolff
- personal data ecosystem consortium
- user-centricity
- personal control over personal data is good for users and the ecosystem
Kaliya - more on Personal Data
- ...
- limited liability personas
Victor Greg(sp?)
- Datacoops.com
- ... groups as first class citizens
- ...
- datavenu.com
- ...
Tom Lord
- CRUX - http://basiscraft.com/crux.html
- p2p network designed for single user nodes
- based in js, rss
- runs on raspberry pi?
- ...
Dave Crossland
- Social fonts
- google fonts: temporary business model
- knowledge model in the future
Monica Wilkinson
- building a real time activity streams engine with node.js, mongodb, redis
- crushpath director of platforms(confirmed?)
- http://activitystrea.ms
- http://asms.cloudfoundry.com/
- https://github.com/ciberch/node-activities-boilerplate
Leif Warner / Janrain (sp?)
- http://schema.org
- Changeset Protocol for RDF http://docs.api.talis.com/getting-started/changeset-protocol
break - 30 minutes
14:10 restarting
intro to BarCamp style sessions
Session 1:
SESSION: ActivityStreams in #microformats2
Problem: API+TOS suck. API leads to TOS in practice due to culture, companies add TOS to APIs.
Atom -> Entry -> h-entry
AS activities on indieweb sites (that people are publishing today)
- note
- article
- bookmark
- photo
- video
- books read (vs. purchased)
- likes
- comments
- events
properties on posts (that people are publishing today or care about publishing)
- geo - p-location
- published - dt-published
- image of the thing - u-photo
- tags - p-category
- people - mentions
- reply-to
homework assignment to indieweb publishers:
- 1. add microformats2 h-entry support to your HTML posts:
- 2. add ActivityStreams object type root class names to your h-entry elements, e.g. h-as-note, h-as-article
Examples of sites now doing this:
15:10 sessions
16:00 session summaries
16:10 FSWS2012 closed!