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FSWS2010 - Projects
From Federated Social Web Incubator Group
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Note that not all projects were able to send representatives; however, these are some of the projects interested in creating a federated social web.
Account Manager brings identity management (sign in/sign out/sign up) into browser chrome |
ActivityStrea.ms is a format for syndicating social activities around the Web. |
Appleseed is an effort to create open-source social networking software that is based on a distributed model. |
AROUNDme from Barnraiser is an open-source collaboration server system for creating collaborative social spaces on the Web. |
Contacts aggregates your social graph in the browser and makes it available to Web pages |
Crabgrass is a free web application designed for social networking, group collaboration and network organising. |
Diaspora* is a forthcoming open-source personal web system intended to be part of a distributed, decentralised social networking architecture. |
DiSo is a initiative to build a distributed social network architecture using microformats, OpenID, OAuth and other building blocks. |
Drumbeat is a new Mozilla project aimed at building a movement of everyday web users interesting in protecting the openness of the web. |
Duuit! is the social sharing and collaboration platform with your privacy in mind, created in July 2009 as a better way to socialize and stay connected on the internet. Duuit! is part of the JamminNet (federated internet services). |
Echo allows publishers to quickly embed real-time streams of Digg bookmarks, Facebook updates, tweets, comments and more. |
Elgg is an open-source social networking engine that was initially aimed at educational and learning groups, but has now entered general use. |
Falcon is a personal publishing, syndicating, tweeting and updating web application, with an algorithmically reversible personal URL shortener called Whistle. |
FOAF, or Friend of a Friend, is a Semantic Web vocabulary for describing people's profiles and their social connections. |
GNU Social is a decentralised free software social networking system, written in PHP. |
Lorea is a project to create secure social cybernetic systems, in which human networks will be simultaneously represented in a virtual shared world. |
Mozilla is an open-source project providing web browsers, e-mail clients, chat systems and more. |
Noserub is a decentralised social network that allows users to own their own data and that can act as a profile aggregation service. |
OneSocialWeb is a free and open decentralised social networking platform, based on XMPP, and developed by the Vodafone R&D group. |
Open Action Network is a framework for sharing actions--events, petitions, etc.--and comments between federated networks. |
Open Graph Protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in the Facebook social graph. |
OpenMicroBlogger is an mplementation of the OpenMicroBlogging.org specification for site-to-site microblogging. |
OStatus is an open standard for distributed status updates that allows different messaging hubs to route status updates between users in near real time. |
Project Danube is an XDI-based Personal Data Store for implementing the Federated Social Web, Vendor Relationship Management, and other visions that "put you in control over your data". |
Rapportive is a browser extension that replaces ads in Gmail with photos, biographic data and social media links, for whoever you're corresponding with. |
SIOC is a framework for interlinking online community sites using Semantic Web technologies, by defining structures common to most social websites. |
SMOB is a Semantic Web application for semantic microblogging, that combines a distributed hub-based architecture with a tag-to-concept mapping assistant. |
Social Jargon is an initiative that will enable people to be casually precise in a world where we want to write less but mean more. |
SocialRiver is OStatus-based software that works with WordPress and BuddyPress to create a decentralized federated social networking platform |
sudoSocial is a experiment Open Source stream editing and publishing platform from the Mozilla community |
versionvega is a peer-to-peer general purpose network for applications far beyond file sharing. |
Webfinger is a protocol for sharing information about people and discovering things about friends, without having to remember various URLs. |