Tracker summary for Erik Bruchez

XForms Users Community Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 18 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1948 (edit) open Provide spec text for multipart Erik Bruchez 2013-05-29
ACTION-1957 (edit) open Write spec text for error handling Erik Bruchez 2013-10-09
ACTION-1958 (edit) open Review use of 'context' with relation to changes due to xpath2 Erik Bruchez 2013-11-27
ACTION-1962 (edit) open Implement solution for action-159 Erik Bruchez 2013-12-11
ACTION-1964 (edit) open Take over nick's action to change the events for dialog Erik Bruchez 2014-01-22
ACTION-1966 (edit) open Check editorial note about untypedatomic in 4.3 Erik Bruchez 2014-03-12
ACTION-1969 (edit) open Send list of possible useful functions to do with page. Erik Bruchez 2014-04-02
ACTION-1970 (edit) open Propose list of page access functions Erik Bruchez 2014-04-09
ACTION-1973 (edit) open Contact expath about uri functions Erik Bruchez 2014-05-14
ACTION-1974 (edit) open Spec uri functions Erik Bruchez 2014-05-14
ACTION-1979 (edit) open Send mail listing options for the bind to multiple types problem. Erik Bruchez 2014-10-15
ACTION-1993 (edit) open Analyse which events should also go to dialog Erik Bruchez 2015-01-28
ACTION-1994 (edit) open Make all exceptions into errors Erik Bruchez 2015-01-28
ACTION-2002 (edit) open Write text to cover what happens with an xforms-compute-error in section 10.5.7 Erik Bruchez 2015-02-04
ACTION-2018 (edit) open Confirm that min() and max() are compatible with the ones in xpath 2 Erik Bruchez 2015-04-01
ACTION-2020 (edit) open Propose what to do if serialization in serialize() fails Erik Bruchez 2015-04-01
ACTION-2022 (edit) open Write text for min/max in compatibility mode. Erik Bruchez 2015-04-08
ACTION-2023 (edit) open Check compatibility problems with seconds-from-datetime and one other. Erik Bruchez 2015-04-08

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 46545.html,v 1.1 2024/01/10 13:44:33 carcone Exp $