ISSUE-29: Complexity of XML Regex to Restricted Character set feature

Regex Complexity

Complexity of XML Regex to Restricted Character set feature

EXI Spec
Raised by:
Daniel Peintner
Opened on:
Two of the WG members (DP and ED) asserted and showed concern about
the feature's implementation complexity and potential interoperability
issues that may result from it. (DP) (ED)
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. Agenda for 29 Apr EXI Telecon (from on 2009-04-28)
  2. Agenda for 22 Apr EXI Telecon (from on 2009-04-21)
  3. RE: ISSUE-29: Complexity of XML Regex to Restricted Character set feature [EXI Spec] (from on 2009-04-02)
  4. RE: ISSUE-29: Complexity of XML Regex to Restricted Character set feature [EXI Spec] (from on 2009-04-02)
  5. ISSUE-29: Complexity of XML Regex to Restricted Character set feature [EXI Spec] (from on 2009-03-31)

Related notes:

Just a note to describe chairs' understanding of where we are
on this issue as of 2009-03-31.

- We may need to study the concern more. Any specific aspect of the
feature that may be encumbering implementation efforts? If so, are
they something that we can address or assuage?

- Is there any open-source code base that can be used as the basis
for implementors?

Takuki Kamiya, 1 Apr 2009, 00:12:45

Some thoughts shared by TK on his implementation plan:

Takuki Kamiya, 8 Apr 2009, 16:22:46

Note from 2009-04-08 informal conversation:
DP raised a point that the benefit of this feature may not be large
enough to overcome the implementation burden of the feature.
This amounted to his ACTION-494.

Takuki Kamiya, 8 Apr 2009, 22:00:06

Discussed in 2009-04-15 telecon.

There are primarily three issues in dispute.

- Significance of benefit (both breadth and/or effectiveness)
- Implementation complexity (and economic factor relative to benefit)
- Interoperability concerns that may stem from implementation complexity
and lack of existing work that's open-sourced.

Takuki Kamiya, 15 Apr 2009, 19:15:30

DP has taken on ACTION-494 to look into the magnitude of benefits to be brought by this feature.

Takuki Kamiya, 22 Apr 2009, 00:45:29

There was an interesting point made by JS that may be worth considering
if we decide to retain this feature. JS suggested the section had better
be moved up to the main body of the spec, in order to make it clear that
it is something developers have to cope with.

Takuki Kamiya, 23 Apr 2009, 00:15:16

Compactness benefits of the feature is presented by DP.

Takuki Kamiya, 30 Apr 2009, 00:03:11

[caribou]: resolution to keep the RCS feature and continue discussion about complexity

6 May 2009, 08:42:52

JS to check charset subtraction handling in regex implementation
share experience that would indicate the implication of the operation.

Takuki Kamiya, 16 Jun 2009, 19:12:39

Siemens will get back to the group on their formal position on this issue.
The WG needs to either resolve this issue (preferred), or put off the decision by marking the feature as being at risk, the latter of which AgileDela expressed a flat opposition to.

Takuki Kamiya, 9 Sep 2009, 18:45:22

Siemens' position (DP)

- Siemens sees use-cases that may profit from this feature.
- Siemens (fore)sees potential interoperability problems.
- Siemens fears future objections from outside the group.

"Siemens demands to at least mark this feature as at risk
for now and move on."

Takuki Kamiya, 22 Sep 2009, 18:40:47

The WG agreed that the complexity concern has likely been addressed. There is the remaining concern of interoperability, which is to be indicated in the SOTD section of the CR specification by having a sentence to mark the capability as a "feature at risk".

Takuki Kamiya, 14 Oct 2009, 23:37:35

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