See also: IRC log
<scribe> Scribe: Andrew
<scribe> ScribeNick: Andrew
several updates sent to the list - inlcude pointers
Barry's update posed a question regarding policies and initiative outside the EU
scribe: requested EO members to complete the survey
Barry: UK Cabinet study regarding
eGovt and Inlcusion/accessibility
... Study inlcude qualitative questionaire re policies and
initiatives on web accessibility in eGovt
... expected to report in Sept 2005
... Q - would it be useful to have comparative info from
outside the EU?
... study is under the auspices of EU-pan(??) - senior civil
servants across the EU
<Harvey> Harvey here
Several members offereing to help
Judy: volunteers contact Barry
... outreach from Roberto for information
Judy: lexicon title, intro
materials, content
... draft is out with W3C policy committee, but may still be
able to change
... Alan was concerned about "beginners" and "Lexicon"
... open for comment
Alan: concern was "beginners" vs "translators" as target - seemed inconcruent
Henk: at the start, tried to avoid "glossary" to avoid confusion with other glossaries
Judy: thinks of 'glossary' & 'limited subset' - this is a starting point
Wayne: thinks 'beginners' is misleading
Judy: who objects to leaving the term 'beginners' in the title
a few people
Judy: who many would like to change from Lexicon to Glossary?
Many people
Judy: any objections?
Judy: What about 'basic' glossary?
PP: what about 'essential' glossary?
SLH: might detract from Essential Components
<shawn> Basic Glossary for WAI Documents
Judy: any objectsion to 'basic glossary ...'?
All: no objections
Judy: any objectsions to "Basic Glossary for WAI Documents"?
All: no objections
Alan: what about an article at the beginning, eg "a basic glossary ..."?
Judy: might confuse
... Henk - do you accept this new name?
Henk: yes - its ok
<scribe> ACTION: Henk - change log update to reflect name [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: SLH - update in EO pages [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Judy - update the name with Communications Team [recorded in]
Henk: will slightly affect the introduction - for discussion next week
Judy: any content that needs more review? (hope not)
Henk: first proposal had
comparison of definitions - not now included in final
... sourve not needed in basic glossary - would be confusing -
just explain in intro that terms come from a variety of
HB: should be a list of term sources somewhere
Judy: Henk - should just include an indication that the terms are used in many docs, but not try and cross reference the docs
<shawn> axk me
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to briefly discuss format - perhaps DL
SLH: suggesting a DL for the entries
Andrew: agrees - this is an obvious use of DL; Also please add some spacing between entries
SLH: design not ready for public
circulation yet - just for today's discussion
... logo design for comment via personal email to EO
xakim, who is making noise?
SLH: different concepts for
redesigns - to be refined further
... trying to convey movement; also need with/without
... lets go through each concept group and gather reactions
Ron: likes 1b with movement and gradients - seems to meet requirements
Andrew: concurs with Ron
Jack: dots convey movement, but seems kinda busy
Henk: like 1a & 1b - convey what we want
HB: likes it
JT: for 1e - would be better in Web Accessibility stood out more that 'initiative'
<pasquale> I like 1b
Wayne: 'a' should be emphasised more than 'i' - its about accessibility
SLH: what about swirly concepts?
Wayne: line renders letters invisible
Andrew: line detracts from letetrs
Judy: seems like the letters are crossed out
SLH: what about 'gradient' based designs
All: generally like it - especially 3a
<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say pronounciation as "why" is partly due to screen reader
Wayne: can we get the words better in 3a? without contrast issues of 3c
Judy: if did try to add words to 3a - could it go underneath?
SLH: what about "@" designs?
All: no much going for it
SLH: what about 'circles' variation - based losely on '@' design
PP: 5b is best of all - clear, simple, shows motion
<pasquale> 5d non 5b
Wayne: 5c shows motion going nowhere
Henk: like 5a & 5b as an alternative to other good designs for futher possible development
Jack: like 5a best out of this series
Andrew: likes 5b out of this group
Henk: no letter should carry more emphahsis that others
SLH: which do EO like best from 1a, 1b, 3a?
All: generally people voted for 3a - the gradient style
SLH: any closing comments?
Judy: some people liked 5b - can we bring it up and check?
All: preference was still with 3a
SLH: thanks to Michael Duffy for volunteering time with designs
Judy: any other Redesign issues for discussion?
SLH: Highlights/Planning propsoed
change -
... summarised notes proposing change
SLH ... see section "Notes for Discussion of Proposal Above"
SLH: ... see section "Notes for
Discussion of Proposal Above"
... planning to inlcude/allow RSS feeds
... see drfat Home Page -
... info in centre column is in large text - formating still in
state of flus, so please don't comment of style, just
All: lots of discussion of presention and content of lists
Andrew: I wiold like to see some
non-guideline documents listed as these are more relevent to
some vistors
... the list could conclude with "more documents ..."
SLH: thanks to those who have already filled out the form
<shawn> correct
Judy: you will need to use the
web-based form (with your previous account details) -
... intend to use web0based form more for group feedback in
SLH: Carol has left the group for now; Libby is on hold; Andrew is back on the list
Judy: having more scribes available shares the load
Jack: I volunteer, but will need assistance to set up
<scribe> ACTION: SLH to set Jack up for scribing [recorded in]
Judy: if you have any questions, please contact Shawn
Judy: next friday, and 17th and 24th June
<pasquale> hi all, have a good week end
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.126 of Date: 2005/05/16 16:49:48 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Andrew Inferring ScribeNick: Andrew Found ScribeNick: Andrew Default Present: Jack, Shawn, Henk, Loughborough, Justin, Andrew, +1.714.710.aaaa, Pasquale, Ron, Barry, Judy, Wayne, Sylvie, Bingham, Alan Present: Jack Shawn Henk Loughborough Justin Andrew +1.714.710.aaaa Pasquale Ron Barry Judy Wayne Sylvie Bingham Alan WARNING: Replacing previous Regrets list. (Old list: Roberto) Use 'Regrets+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Regrets+ +, Chuck Regrets: + Chuck Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 3 Jun 2005 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: henk judy slh WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]