Questionnaire for IST-Projects
participating in the 5th Call of the EU FP6 Research Programme

This questionnaire aims to identify whether the COPRAS Generic Guidelines for IST projects interfacing with IST standards organizations have been helpful in determining and planning standardization objectives and activities for projects in FP6 calls 5. In addition it seeks to determine how the Guidelines can be improved, and how other supportive measures could improve interfacing between IST research projects and standardization. The questionnaire contains 9 multiple choice questions and COPRAS would be grateful if you could take a few minutes of your time to fill these out.

[The survey is now closed.]

Project & contact information
Project acronym
E-mail address

Will your project deliver specifications or other output intended to be European or global standards, or otherwise contribute to standardization work?

Yes, we have specific standardization deliverables planned
Yes, but the nature of the output has not yet been defined
Possibly, depending on the outcome of some of the project's activities
No, definitely not


Does your project have specific work packages or resources allocated to interfacing with standards organizations?

Yes, we have (a) work package(s) dedicated to standardization
Yes, standardization resources are contained in the dissemination work package(s)
Yes, standardization resources are allocated to other (technical) work packages
No, we have no work packages or resources allocated to standardization activities


Were you (made) aware, before the launch of your project, of the COPRAS 'Generic Guidelines for IST projects interfacing with ICT standards organizations'?

Yes, our project was informed by the European Commission / Project Officer
Yes, our project was made aware of the Generic Guidelines by the COPRAS project / COPRAS web site / COPRAS brochure
Yes, through other means or channels
No, we were not aware of the Generic Guidelines before the launch of our project


Did you receive or download the Generic Guidelines', and if so, how?

Through the European Commission / Project Officer / CORDIS web site
Downloaded from the COPRAS web site
Via other sources or channels
We did not receive the Generic Guidelines (go to question 9)


Have you been able to use the Generic Guidelines during the preparatory process, or during the early stages of your project?

Yes, the Guidelines were used to adjust the technical annex prior to launch
Yes, the Guidelines were used to adjust the work plan during the first months
Yes, we expect to use the Guidelines during the course of the project
No, the Guidelines were not applicable to our project (go to question 7)


If you used the Generic Guidelines, did this: (multiple answers possible)

Help to define (additional) standardization potential of your project's deliverables
Encourage reviewing the allocation of work packages or resources to standardization
Encourage your project to start standards related activity at an earlier point in time
Help to identify standards organizations to interface with
Help to establish contacts with standards organizations
Otherwise support the planning of standards related activity (please specify)

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If you did not use, and do not plan to use the Generic Guidelines, was this because:

Your project does not have any particular standardization goals
All information was already known to the project and/or its consortium partners
The Generic Guidelines were perceived as inaccurate
The Generic Guidelines were not received in time


Could you indicate what should be improved in the Generic Guidelines, in order to better support projects planning their interfacing with standards organizations? (multiple answers possible)

More detailed information on the benefits of standardization and/or the process of determining whether or not to interface with standards organizations
More information on structuring standardization activities in a project's work plan
More detailed guidelines on how to choose and contact a standards organization
Others (please specify)

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Could you indicate other aspects, not addressed in the Generic Guidelines, that should be addressed in order to improve (the results of) projects' interfacing with standards organizations? (multiple answers possible)

Projects should be able to obtain additional resources to complete standardization activities after the formal termination of their activities
Standards organizations should provide specific mechanisms and/or facilities encouraging research projects to interface with them
Standardization support should be structurally embedded in Framework Programmes
Others (please specify)

Enter more detailed explanations into this textbox


The answers will be stored in our database. Note that you can answer the questionnaire multiple times, but only the last answers will be used.

If you have any questions, please contact Copras

Via e-mail:
Via mail:
c/o CEN, rue de Stassart 36
1050 Brussels, Belgium
COPRAS Project management:
ConTeSt consultancy
Bart Brusse
+31-575-494337 (phone)
+31-575-493287 (fax)
+31-653-225260 (mobile)

Rigo Wenning, Bert Bos
Created: 10 Feb 2004; modified: $Date: 2010/01/08 13:44:02 $