D18 — Reverse mapping report - executive summary

Full Text of the Deliverable

This deliverable reflects one of the two recommendations received from the project reviewers during the first project review held 17 March 2005 and provides a "reverse mapping" analysis in order to determine the extent to which the IST programme is funding research areas where standards bodies and industry consortia are active. The analysis is based on reviewing publicly available project information, particularly related to the stated objectives of each project. For the standards bodies a similar analysis of public information was performed. Therefore the results indicate commonality when there is a significant correlation between general issues addressed by standards bodies and projects, rather than when topics on the periphery are concerned.

As the approach of identifying topics specifically addressed at this first stage of (available) project information, identified synergies between projects and standards bodies, do not necessarily guarantee a project will also be seeking such synergies in future work. Where this was not clear from the summaries and objectives, but potential synergy was suspected, some further project investigations were performed. The analysis is confined to Call 1 and 2 projects within the IST FP6 programme.

The first section of this report contains a short overview of relevant topics addressed by standards organisations against which the research was conducted. It should be noted that this report focuses on the ICTSB member organisations and is structured based on the organisation's status (formal SDOs, Fora and consortia and observers). The second section lists all projects, together with a link to their home page (where available), identifying where work is under way that is addressing the areas where the standards organisations are active.

The deliverable also provides conclusions from this analysis, both from a quantitative as well as a qualitative perspective. From a quantitative perspective, the results demonstrated in this deliverable indicate commonality when there is a significant correlation between general issues addressed by standards bodies and projects, and does not so much concern topics on the periphery.

The analysis provided in this deliverable focuses on the ICTSB members, meaning it covers the European standardization organizations and their areas of interest. As a general conclusion, it can be stated that the areas of interest of the ICTBS members are quite considerably covered by the research projects. It should also be stated that industry consortia, contrary to the traditional SDOs, are generally more focused on specific topics, which naturally corresponds to the distribution of the issues addressed by the projects, among these consortia. It should however be mentioned that many of the projects in Calls 1 and 2 interface directly with organizations operating on a worldwide level, such as ITU, IETF, IEEE, ISO_IEC, and OSGi.

Rigo Wenning, Bert Bos
modified: $Date: 2006/10/25 16:01:34 $