Web Services Coordination Group call
17 Feb 2004


See also: IRC log


Steve, Jonathan, Hugo, Martin, Carine, Michael
Eric, David


Approval of the 3rd February 2004

Scribe: Minutes approved: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/03-ws-cg-minutes.html
... pending clean up by Hugo

Activity renewal

Scribe: Hugo goes over Activity renewal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2004JanMar/0036.html

Jonathan: one interesting thing to note about the WSDWG is the fact that the WG really need to stick to its schedule
... the Chair has more freedom in how to deal with issues and what to take on to make sure that the schedule doesn't slip

Review action items from previous meeting

Scribe: ACTION: Jonathan to send mailing list search engine indexing problem to Hugo, if it still exists [DONE] ACTION: Steve to ping Jonathan about Glenn Adams's inquiry [DONE] ACTION: Hugo to ask systems team for possibility of improving mailing list search engine (attachments) [DONE] ACTION: Steve to send out GGF WSAWG management references

Steve: sent on 20 January

Group reports

Scribe: -- XML CG
... See http://www.w3.org/2004/02/17-ws-cg-irc#T18-29-07

MSM: in the hypertext CG, there is desire to get some feedback about a mixed language question/proposal
... has anyone heard of the MIME profile parameter mixed language proposal?

Group: no

Scribe: ACTION: MSM to point WSCG to MIME profile parameter mixed language proposal

Steve: BTW, I can share the load in doing the XML CG liaison

Jonathan: in the WSDWG, we have been talking about versioning Web services and what we can do to accomodate that in our language
... people would like to allow extra content in the payload that could be ignored
... it looks like we get into problems with non-determinism
... David Orchard has an action item to look into a proposal based on a transformation of PSVI properties

MSM: we are reviewing a document that David wrote for the TAG
... we are open to looking at such changes for Schema 1.1
... however, it's not clear that it's a schema issue in all respects
... one should note that it's not because a processor doesn't validate a document, that the processor cannot process this document

Jonathan: it seems that since you're working with the TAG on this, it will be OK on our side
... we don't want to duplicate those discussions

Scribe: [ discussions around use cases ]

Martin: what you are talking about is the WSDL versioning, not Web services versioning

Jonathan: an interesting case is what you update the service, and you still want to support the previous version of requests

Scribe: -- Semantic Web Services IG

Carine: nothing to report

Scribe: -- WS Choreography WG:

Martin: we are very active
... we are hoping to get the requirements ready this week
... we are working on the first WD

Scribe: -- WS Architecture WG:

Hugo: the documents have been published
... you probably want to have your WGs look at them (architecture, glossary, usage scenarios, ....)

Scribe: -- WS Description WG:

Jonathan: 20 issues open
... we are working on closing them all by the end of the March F2F

Coordination with ebXML

Hugo: it seems that ebXML is working on new versions and that they have been converging towards Web services technologies
... I would like us to figure out if they have some feedback about your specifications
... I will contact the ebXML Joint Coordination Committee and see how we can coordinate with them

Steve: the WS Choreography WG has done some good tracking of ebXML work

XMLP/WSD WG lunch meeting at Tech Plenary in Cannes

Steve: this is a point of information

Jonathan: this will be about MTOM description

Coordination Group get together in Cannes

Steve: it would be nice to meet in Cannes

Scribe: ACTION: Steve to send an email to organize a get-together

Jonathan: Tuesday for lunch would be possible

Scribe: ACTION 3 = Steve to send an email to organize a get-together for Tuesday at lunch

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Jonathan to send mailing list search engine indexing problem
  to Hugo, if it still exists [1] recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: MSM to point WSCG to MIME profile parameter mixed language
  proposal [2] recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/02/17-ws-cg-irc#T18-31-40
[NEW] ACTION: Steve to send an email to organize a get-together for Tuesday
  at lunch [3] recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/02/17-ws-cg-irc#T18-57-56

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 1.59 (CVS log)
$Date: 2004/02/17 19:00:49 $