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Minutes of 27 October 2003 TAG teleconference
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1. Administrative
- Roll call: SW (Chair), DO, DC (Scribe), TBL, NW, CL, RF, PC. Regrets:
- Accepted the minutes of the 20 Oct
- Accepted this agenda
- Next meeting: 3 Nov 2003 teleconference. Tentative regrets: PC, NW,
Upcoming meeting topics:
1.1 TAG update at Nov 2003 AC meeting.
- Completd action DO, CL 2003/10/20: Produce draft slides for AC
presentation; for discussion at 27 Oct teleconference. (done)
- DO reviews AC slide proposal
- DO: it was very rewarding comparing the current webarch doc to the
one 6 months ago; much more fleshed out.
- PC: presentation duration? main message?
- DO: I gather our slot is 60min; present for 40 to 55, allow 5 to
20min QA?
- PC: I don't see much about our relationship with W3C WGs. In additionI think we should report back to the AC on our decisions re Last Call inreference to the questions we asked at the last AC meeting.
- [Zakim]
- DanCon, you wanted to ask why so much time on readily-available
factual material
- [DanCon]
- PC: perhaps figure out some questions and work backward?
- DanC: a big question is: the TAG costs a lot; do you want to keep
spending the resource that way?
- TimBL: what would you say to somebody in the corridoor?
- DanC: I found writing up the interaction with the Voice WG
- DO: I hearw3452W5r'
- [scribe needs help or something]
- DanC: I don't see any need to tell the AC what's in the document, I
- SW: what's the coolest thing? I liked the interaction with voice...
- PC: we've delegated a bunch.
- ... binary XML Workshop.
- [timbl]
- No affect on i18n
- [DanCon]
- ... bumping into I18N...
- [timbl]
- ... 18n WG wouldn't take any notice
- [DanCon]
- ... XML Core ID stuff.
- ... plus VoiceXML
- TimBL: we stirred up RFC3023...
- Chris: IANA... media type...
- [several]: ... IETF in general
- DO: I think it's important to talk about the new text...
- ... about how we've decided to get to Last Call ASAP, and what we've
done about it
- DanC: hmm... the bulk of new text suggests to me that we're not
headed for Last Call right away
- ACTION ChrisL: incorporate input on AC
slides and produce another draft. ETA: Weds
1.2 TAG Nov face-to-face meeting agenda
- Expect to attend: SW, PC, NW, DC, CL, TBL, IJ
- Do not expect to attend: RF
- Don't know: TB
1.3 New issues list deployed
Completed action IJ 2003/02/06: Modify issues list to show that
actions/pending are orthogonal to decisions. (done)
2. Technical (75min)
- Review of 3023-related actions
- Review of Architecture Document writing assignments
- XML Versioning
2.1 Review of 3023-related actions
- Actions 2003/10/08:
- - NW to liaise with Paul Grosso and the XML Core WG
- - TBL and DC to liaise with the IETF regarding obsoleting RFC
- - TB to talk to authors of 3023 about inclusion as appendix in xml
- TBL and DC will talk to the Architecture Domain Lead.
- CL 2003/10/20: Draft update to 3023 for review by the TAG (on
- CL: I took the ball on a new draft, which prompted new
input from Murata-san
- PC: summary?
- CL: deprecate text/xml due to charset foo; revises advice on when to
use charset; ...
- http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html#RFC3023Charset-21
- [ChrisL]
- RFC3023Charset-21: Do all "shoulds" of RFC 3023 section 7.1
- [DanCon]
ACTION CL: draft XML mime type thingy with
Murata-san. [Previous action thus subsumed.]
2.2 Review of Architecture Document writing assignments
Latest draft is the 1 Oct 2003 WD of the
Arch Doc.
- TimBray
- Completed action TB 2003/10/08: Write up a paragraph for section
3 on syntax-based interoperability. (done).
See also comments
from Mike Champion
- Completed action TB 2003/10/08: Write a paragraph of rationale
for why error handling good in the context of the Web. (done)
- Completed action TB 2003/10/08: Propose a revised paragraph to
replace the "Furthermore" sentence in section 2.3 (done)
- Ian
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: Add ed note to abstract that the
abstract will be rewritten.
- Action IJ 2003/10/08: Starting from DO's diagram, create a
diagram where the relationships and terms are linked back to the
context where defined. Ensure that the relationships are in fact
used in the narrative; any gaps identified? With DO, work on term
relationship diagram.
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: Draft good practice note for
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: In 2.4, add story that shows how
two classes of error can arise (inconsistency v. no frag id
semantics defined). Frame story in terms of secondary
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: Split persistency section into
two and move http redirection para there, with appropriate
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: Update OWL ref since in CR
- Completed action IJ 2003/10/08: Add a future work section for
identifiers that the TAG expects to summarize various URI schemes
and what agents can infer from the scheme.
- David
- Completed action DO,NW 2003/10/08: Make the summary to replace
4.5 Extensibility and Versioning in the arch doc (done)
- Chris
- Action CL 2003/07/21: Discuss and propose improved wording of
language regarding SVG spec in bulleted list in 2.5.1.
- Norm
- Completed action NW 2003/10/08: Write up text on information
hiding/abstraction respect for before 2/3/4. (done)
- Action NW 2003/10/08: Revise QName finding. We will also add
those two good practice notes to section 2:
- If you use Qnames, provide a mapping to URIs.
- Don't define an attribute that can take either a URI or a
Qname since they are not syntactically distinguishable."
- Completed action NW 2003/10/08: Rewrite the last paragraph of
4.9.2 to be less inflammatory about DTDs (done)
- Completed action NW 2003/10/08: Massage three paragraphs
following good practice note about persistency at beginning of 2.6.
- Roy
- Action RF 2003/10/08: Explain "identifies" in RFC 2396.
- Action TBL 2003/07/14: Suggest changes to section about
extensibility related to "when to tunnel".
- DC
- Action DC 2003/07/21: Propose language for section 2.8.5 showing
examples of freenet and other systems. Progress; see URISchemes/freenet
2.3 XML Versioning
Current draft is 3 Oct 2003
- DO: Norm and I did some work on this last week and this; I sent a new
draft just now...
- scribes thinks the relevant msg is "Proposed text for web arch
section 4.5, extensibility and versioning" http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2003Oct/0137.html
- DO: intro/motivation text is new...
- ... diagram updated...
- DO: I note the discussion of how to handle terminology sections;
leaving that aside for a bit...
- [I'm confused; I see "1.x" but DO is saying "4.x"]
- [timbl]
- This note is proposed to be inserted in the arch doc? (TBL
confirms by reading from abstract)
- [Stuart]
- s/x.y/4.x+5.y (ish)
- [DanCon]
- DO: this text is shorter than the finding; xml-schema-specific stuff
is left out
- CL: what to do with the schema-specific stuff?
- NW: it's still in the finding, which we haven't updated...
- DanC: I'd like to discuss the thesis; is this it? "The primary
motivation to allow instances of a language to be extended is to
decentralize the task of designing, maintaining, and implementing
- NW: that, plus you can't add extensibility later. gotta do it up
- [scribe was discussing, missed a whole pile]
- SW: I see lots of good practice boxes; did you try to minimize
- NW: no; I promoted all the boxes from the finding; perhaps we'll lose
a few
- PC: this "nobody but the owner can change a namespace"... hm... Query
added stuff to XML Schema namespace...
- DO: hmm!
- TBL: with knowledge/consent?
- PC and Norm: Yes, we discussed with the XML Schema WG and ensured they
were okay with this addition to their namespace.
- NW: recall the Query WG decided users can't add functions to the fn
- PC is excused at this point.
- [Stuart]
- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2003Oct/0029.html
- [Roy]
- DC and DO: debate pro and con regarding defining terms on first use
or separate terminology section
- [DanCon]
- [... on style of tems...]
- DO: we've spent a bunch of writing time on this; not sure how much
more I'm interested to do.
- DC: I said when this versioning stuff came up "sounds like an
interesting book"; I think we're maybe 1/3rd done writing this. I still
have serious problems with the 1st sentence.
- SW earlier asked about whether to review it separately as part of the
arch doc...
- [several]: put it in
- DC: I shopped this versioning stuff around; it's quite popular. Folks
seem to want it.
- TimBL: I think people want this set of terms nailed down; usage of
"instance" in some places looks a bit informal in a way that might be
misleading. Also, how much of this is XML specific? [draws analogy
between HTTP URIs and URIs ala XML formats and formats]
- NW: I think tim is asking for more precision in this section than
we've held ourselves to in other sections
- timbl: there are a bunch of new terms here; they merit the same
review as other stuff
- DO: how about: pls give us comments weds, NW and I do another draft
by [missed it], then we hand to Ian
- [Norm]
- DC: extensibility and versioning are not cost free
- [DanCon]
- "The primary motivation to allow instances of a language to be
extended is to decentralize the task of designing, maintaining, and
implementing extensions."
- [Stuart]
- Hmm... here's a candidate for the thesis: "The primary motivation to
allow instances of a language to be extended is to decentralize the
task of designing, maintaining, and implementing extensions. It allows
senders to change the instances without going through a centralized
from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2003Oct/0029.html
The TAG does not expect to cover these issues
2.5 Findings
See also TAG findings home page.
2.2.1 Expected new findings
Ian Jacobs for Stuart Williams and TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2003/11/06 13:18:41 $