Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference

29 Jun 2010


See also: IRC log


Alessio Soldano, Red Hat
Ashok Malhotra, Oracle Corp.
Bob Freund, Hitachi, Ltd.
David Snelling, Fujitsu, Ltd.
Doug Davis, IBM
Gilbert Pilz, Oracle Corp.
Li Li, Avaya Communications
Ram Jeyaraman, Microsoft Corp.
Tom Rutt, Fujitsu, Ltd.
Vikas Varma, Software AG
Wu Chou, Avaya Communications
Yves Lafon, W3C/ERCIM
Asir Vedamuthu, Microsoft Corp.
Bob Natale, MITRE Corp.
Fred Maciel, Hitachi, Ltd.
Jeff Mischkinsky, Oracle Corp.
Katy Warr, IBM
Mark Little, Red Hat
Martin Chapman, Oracle Corp.
Nathan Burkhart, Microsoft Corp.
Orit Levin, Microsoft Corp.
Paul Fremantle, WSO2
Paul Nolan, IBM
Prasad Yendluri, Software AG
Sreedhara Narayanaswamy, CA
Katy Warr, IBM
Martin Chapman, Oracle Corp.
Bob Freund, Hitachi, Ltd.
Wu Chou, Avaya Communications


<trackbot> Date: 29 June 2010

<Bob> scribenick: Wu

RESOLUTION: June 22 minutes approved

Migration and Primers

Ram: I have doubt to do the migration guide

<Bob> Due to the large number of changes to the submission specs, and since most of the existing implementation seem to have been based on a dmtf version and not of the submitted specifications, a migration guide was thought to be of little or no value

Resolution: no migration guide will be produced (agreed)

<Bob> gil: eventing no schedule as yet, outline by july 20

<Bob> Mex: Katy - not present

wu: will work with Gil on the primer of eventing


<dug> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jun/0012.html

<dug> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jun/0013.html

Bob: short abstract - edits from Doug
... objection abstract?

Ashok: have some concern on MEX

dug: abstracts were from the specs not new creation

<dug> take all current abstracts except for enum - use Dave's enum

Bob: Resolution: agree to use Doug's for all except using Dave's for Enumeration

<dug> done - in cvs

Issue 9609 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=9609

<dug> proposal: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/10/06/wsenum-opt.html

Bob: new enumeration behaviour

dug: it does not seem worth to lose create and pull split

tom: we need a fault to the new context

Ram: o.k. to keep create and pull separately. but allow optional extension

Tom: keep creat and pull separate, but to add a policy

dug: prefer not to do any change to keep spec clean

Tom: is this something that WS-Man can do to add this extension?

dug: yes

Bob: Ram suggests we define additional attributes which are optional, to allow initial pull to be done under these options.

dug: Between these two options, I perfer to move towards more to pull

<dug> A-cwna b-Ram's c-Dug's -s/pull/enumerate/

Bob: A, B, or C vote, you can give preference order

Oracle: a, b, c

IBM: a, c

RedHat: c, a

Fujisu: c, a

Avaya: abstain

Microsoft: c, b, a

Bob: c appears as first choice (win)

Tom: may need related policy assertions

dug: I can take that as editor work and checked by you

RESOLUTION: Doug's proposal at http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/10/06/wsenum-opt.html accepted with amendament s/Pull/Enumerate

<dug> add fault for too many items on first pull, add policy to indicate max items on first pull

Bob: no meeting on July 5th

<Tom_Rutt> dug: why not just have the policy be <0 alowed

<dug> <0 ?

Bob: Next meeting is July 20 (July 13 and July 5 meetings are cancelled)
... check mailing list to review changes that Dug will post shortly

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/08/01 09:41:56 $