Web Service Architectural Roles
David Booth <dbooth@w3.org>
$Revision: 1.24 $ of $Date: 2003/08/06 18:42:52 $ by $Author: dbooth $
This document: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/arch/2/10/roles_clean.htm
This document attempts to precisely identify
the architectural roles that are relevant in various
general-purpose Web service scenarios.
Status of This Document
This document represents the views of the
author only. It has no official
status. Comments are welcome.
Table of Contents
Scenario 0: Web Interaction
Without Web Services
Web services seek to automate interactions
that might otherwise be performed manually, by a human through a
browser interacting with a Web server that was previously
programmed to host a particular application, as depicted in Figure
0 below.
[image: roles_figure_0]
Since the Web browser merely acts as a means
for the Requester Human to interact with the Web server, this is
essentially a human-to-machine interaction.
Although any given application may require a particular pattern of
interaction from the user, in most cases each step will provide
some human-readable clue about what step is expected next, and
humans are flexible enough to respond
accordingly. Thus, there isn't much need to
describe the pattern of interaction in a formalized, machine
processable format. However, if we wish to
automate these interactions, it is very helpful to have formal
descriptions of the interaction. The following
sections explicitly identify what actors, actions and artifacts are
required to make it the process work in various scenarios.
Scenario 1: Parties Known in Advance
In this simple scenario, two organizations
that are already known to each other wish to automate their
interactions using Web services. Semantics are
specified manually, by humans. The
FredCo/Widgets-R-Us scenario, the
Jane/Sue bridge scenario, and the
BobCo/SallyCo scenario are variations of this general scenario,
which is illustrated and described in Figure 1 below.
There are four actors in this scenario:
- Requester Human, which may be played by one
or more humans;
- Provider Human, which may be played by one or
more humans;
- Requester Agent, which is the Client software
application that will be communicating with the Provider Agent;
- Provider Agent, which is the Web Server
software application.
The Requester Human and Requester Agent are
grouped under "Requester Entity" to indicate that they are assumed
to operate on behalf of the same organization.
Similarly for the "Provider Entity".
The Web Service
Description ("WSD") in the diagram represents some kind of
machine-processable description of the desired
interaction. It is assumed to include
syntactic-level descriptions of the messages, datatypes,
operations, etc., to be used in the interaction, but does NOT
completely define the semantics of the
Semantics includes ALL other relevant information about the
desired interaction that is NOT defined in the
WSD. This includes any and all business
agreements and other real world ramifications that are relevant to
the interaction, whether they are communicated explicitly or not.
In the illustration below, the Semantics is depicted as a document,
even though it isn't necessarily in any written
form. The Semantics may be communicated verbally
or in any combination of written documents, and may be represented
in any format that is mutually agreeable.
The WSD and the Semantics, taken together,
represent a complete description of the desired
interaction. The WSD represents whatever part of
that description is written in a machine processable form; the
Semantics represents the rest. Modeled this way,
it is easy to see how the scenario changes as choreography and
other semantically rich languages are adopted for use in describing
Web services: more of the description moves from the Semantics to
the WSD (from yellow to blue in Figure 1).
[image: roles_figure_1]
Sequence of Operation
From an architectural point of view, the
following sequence occurs. (Refer to Figure 1
- The Requester Human and the Provider Human
somehow agree on the Web Service Description (labeled "WSD") and
the Semantics (labeled "Sem") that describe the interaction that
they want the Requester Agent and Provider Agent to have. This
agreement could be accomplished in any number of ways, and how it
is achieved is irrelevant. Some
- The Provider Human sends both the WSD and
Semantics, in their entirety, to the Requester Human, and the
Requester Human accepts them. For example, the
Provider Human might send the information by
email. (This corresponds to the
FredCo/Widgets-R-Us scenario or the
Jane/Sue Bridge analogy.)
- The Requester Human sends both the WSD and
Semantics, in their entirety, to the Provider Human, and the
Provider Human accepts them. (This corresponds
to the
BobCo/SallyCo scenario.)
- The Requester Human and the Provider Human
work collaboratively to create both the WSD and Semantics.
- A third party (not modeled) provides the WSD
and the Semantics, and the Requester Human and Provider Human both
decide to adopt them. For example, the Requester
Human and the Provider Human might both decide to implement a
particular standard. In this case, the Requester
Human and the Provider Human might never communicate directly with
each other.
- The Requester Human inputs both the WSD and
the Semantics to the Requester Agent. This may
be done by any combination of hard coding the information or
reading the information dynamically. The
Provider Human completes a similar process for inputting the WSD
and Semantics into the Provider Agent.
In practice, the WSD and Semantics that are
input to the Requester Agent should be exactly the same as the WSD
and Semantics that are input to the Provider Agent, with the
following exceptions:
- The role of "Requester" or "Provider" must
somehow be specified, so that the Requester Agent and the Provider
Agent each know which role they are supposed to
play. (This may be hard coded in the Agents or
their environments, but it must be indicated
somehow. Otherwise there would be no difference
between the Requester Agent and the Provider Agent!)
- Information in the WSD or Semantics that is
not relevant to that Agent may be omitted.
- The Requester Agent and the Provider Agent
interact using whatever means they have agreed upon, as illustrated
by the "Interact" arrow in the diagram above.
Scenario 2: Parties Known, Dynamically
Getting WSD
Figure 2 shows a variation of Scenario 1, in
which the Provider Entity supplies the WSD, and the Requester Agent
dynamically obtains the WSD, in order to be sure that it always
uses the latest available version. This allows
the WSD to be periodically updated without requiring the Requester
Human and Provider Human to renegotiate the semantics (provided
that the WSD changes do not affect the semantics).
Actors and Artifacts
The actors and artifacts/documents are the
same as in Scenario 1.
[image: roles_figure_2]
Sequence of Operation
The following sequence
occurs. (Refer to Figure 2 above.)
- Agree on
Semantics. The Requester Human
and the Provider Human agree on the Semantics, as
before. The Semantics somehow indicate what
kinds of WSD documents would be compatible with the
- Input
Semantics. The Requester Human
and the Provider Human input the Semantics to the Requester Agent
and the Provider Agent (respectively), as before.
- Get
WSD. The Requester Agent gets the
current WSD from the Provider Agent. This may be
as simple as an HTTP GET on a URL, or it could involve a third
party intermediary. The WSD must be compatible
with the previously agreed Semantics, or an error occurs.
Interact. The Requester
Agent and the Provider Agent interact, as before.
Scenario 3: Multiple Providers,
Manual Discovery
In Figure 3, we assume that the Requester
Human does not already know what Web service he/she wishes
to engage. He/she uses a Discovery Tool to
searches for a Web service that is semantically compatible with
what he/she wants to achieve, and then makes a trust decision to
use that service. Semantics are still assumed to
be specified manually, by humans.
There are five actors in this scenario:
- Requester Human, Provider
Human, Requester Agent and Provider Agent, as
before; and
- Discovery Tool, which is any software
application that is used by the Requester Human to locate a
suitable Provider Entity. It may be hosted by
the Requester Entity, the Provider Entity or a third party
- The WSD, and
Semantics, as previously
- A FuncID, which represents any
information that is sufficient to allow the Requester Agent to
unambiguously identify the Semantics, or functionality of the
service. The FuncID could be represented by the
entire Semantics. In practice, the FuncID is
expected to be represented by a URI, a TModel, an RDF description,
or some other information that is sufficient to unambiguously
identify the Semantics.
[image: roles_figure_3]
Sequence of Operation
The ordering of these steps can vary somewhat,
but all steps must be performed.
- Agree on Semantics. The
Requester Human and the Provider Human agree on the Semantics that
describe the interaction that they want the Requester Agent and
Provider Agent to have, as before. (Remember
that the Requester Human and Provider Human do not necessarily have
to communicate directly with each other in order to agree on
the Semantics. For example, they both might just
decide to use the same Semantics that someone else has defined,
without ever talking to each other directly.)
- Input Semantics and WSD to Provider
Agent. The Provider Human somehow
creates the WSD, and inputs the WSD and the Semantics into the
Provider Agent, as before.
- Discovery Tool gets WSD and
FuncID. The Discovery Tool somehow gets
the WSD and the FuncID from the Provider Human.
How this occurs is irrelevant. For example, the
Provider Human might publish them directly to the Discovery Tool,
or Discovery Tool might obtain them indirectly by crawling the Web
or through any number of intermediaries, without the Provider
Entity having any knowledge of, or direct interaction with, the
Discovery Tool.
- Requester Human gets
WSD. The Requester Human uses the
Semantics to query the Discovery Tool for an acceptable WSD
document that corresponds to the desired Semantics.
- Input Semantics and WSD to Requester
Agent. The Requester Human inputs the
Semantics and WSD to the Requester Agent.
- Interact.
The Requester Agent and the Provider Agent interact using whatever
means they have agreed upon.
Scenario 4: Multiple Providers,
Manual Discovery, WSD from Provider
Figure 4 is a variation of Scenario
3. The Requestor Human still finds a suitable
Web service based on the desired semantics, but the WSD is obtained
directly from the Provider Agent. Semantics are
still assumed to be specified manually, by humans, and are fixed in
There are five actors in this scenario:
- Requester Human, Provider
Human, Requester Agent and Provider Agent, as
before; and
- Discovery Tool, which is a software
application or component that may be operated by the Requester
Entity, the Provider Entity or a third party entity.
- The WSD, as
previously defined.
- The Semantics as
previously defined.
- A FuncID, which represents any
information that is sufficient to allow the Requester Agent to
unambiguously identify the Semantics. The FuncID
could be represented by the entire Semantics. In
practice, the FuncID is expected to be represented by a URI, a
TModel, an RDF description, or some other information that is
sufficient to unambiguously identify the Semantics.
- A WSD URL, which represents a URL or
other information that is sufficient for the Requester Agent to
know how to get the WSD from the Provider Agent.
- A Query, which represents any
information that is sufficient to unambiguously identify the
desired Semantics.
[image: roles_figure_4]
Sequence of Operation
The ordering of these steps can vary somewhat,
but all steps must be performed.
- Agree on Semantics. As
- Input Semantics to Provider
Agent. The Provider Human inputs the
Semantics to the Provider Agent.
- Discovery Tool gets FuncID and WSD
URL. The Discovery Tool somehow gets the
WSD URL and the FuncID from the Provider
- Requester Human gets WSD
URL. The Requester Human uses the
Semantics to query the Discovery Tool for an acceptable WSD
document that corresponds to the desired
- Input Semantics and WSD URL to
Requester Agent. The Requester Human
inputs the Semantics and WSD URL to the Requester Agent.
- Get WSD. The
Requester Agent gets the WSD from the Provider Agent, either
directly or indirectly.
- Interact. The
Requester Agent and the Provider Agent interact using whatever
means they have agreed upon.
Scenario 5: Multiple
Providers, Automatic Selection
In Figure 5, the Requester Agent dynamically
selects one of several potential Provider Entities that all
implement semantically compatible Web service.
(Presumably, the Provider Entities have been pre-screened in
advance, so that the Requester Entity can trust the Requester Agent
to perform this selection automatically.)
Semantics are still assumed to be specified manually, by humans,
and are fixed in advance.
There are five actors in this scenario:
- Requester Human, Provider
Human, Requester Agent and Provider Agent, as
before; and
- Selection Agent, (previously labeled
"Discovery Agent") which is a software application or component
that may be operated by the Requester Entity, the Provider Entity
or a third party entity.
The ordering of these steps can vary somewhat,
but all steps must be performed.
- The WSD, as
previously defined.
- The Semantics as
previously defined.
- A FuncID, which represents any
information that is sufficient to allow the Requester Agent to
unambiguously identify the Semantics. The FuncID
could be represented by the entire Semantics. In
practice, the FuncID is expected to be represented by a URI, a
TModel, an RDF description, or some other information that is
sufficient to unambiguously identify the Semantics.
[image: roles_figure_5]
Sequence of Operation
- Agree on
Semantics. As
- Input Semantics and WSD to Provider
Agent. The Provider Human somehow
creates the WSD, and inputs the WSD and the Semantics into the
Provider Agent.
- Selection Agent gets WSD and
FuncID. The Selection Agent somehow
obtains the WSD and FuncID from the Provider
- Input Semantics to Requester
Agent. The Requester Human inputs the desired Semantics to
the Requester Agent.
- Select WSD.
The Requester Agent uses the Semantics to query the Selection Agent
for an acceptable WSD document that corresponds to the desired
- Interact.
The Requester Agent and the Provider Agent interact using whatever
means they have agreed upon.
Scenario T: Triangle
This scenario describes the correspondence
between the "triangle
diagram" and scenarios 4 and 5. Essentially,
the triangle diagram is a higher level abstraction of scenarios 4
and 5. It merges the Discovery Tools and the
Selection Agent into a single "Discovery Agent"; it omits the
semantics; and it abstracts away the details of what is inside the
Requester Entity and Provider Entity.
There are three actors in this scenario:
- Requester Entity (a combination of the
previously described Requester Human and the Requester Agent)
- Provider Entity (a combination of the
previously described Provider Human and the Provider Agent)
- Discovery Agent, which is a software
application or component that may be operated by the Requester
Entity, the Provider Entity or a third party entity.
- The WSD, as
previously defined.
- (The Semantics as previously defined.)
[image: roles_figure_t]
Sequence of Operation
- (Agree on Semantics)
- (Input Semantics to Requester Agent and
Provider Agent)
- Provider Entity publishes
WSD. The Provider Entity publishes the
WSD and the Discovery Agent somehow obtains it, either directly or
indirectly. This could involve the Provider
Entity actively informing the Discovery Agent (like a registry), or
the Discovery Agent might obtain the WSD autonomously (like a
search engine).
- Requester Entity finds the
WSD. The Requester Entity somehow uses
the Discovery Tool to obtain the WSD.
- Interact.
The Requester Agent and the Provider Agent interact using whatever
means they have agreed upon.
To Do:
Reduce the number of scenarios?
Variation of 5: Get WSD
Discuss Choreography: 2 party; multi
Add Peer-to-peer scenario
Multiple requesters/ Multiple providers?
Scenario: Setting up a multi-party chat
session, or multi-party meeting
Call scenario 5 a "Broker" pattern?