Open Actions

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There are 8 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-411 (edit) open Add icmi use cases to wiki Raj Tumuluri 2014-12-01
ACTION-436 (edit) open Ask exi guys about how to handle/preserve namespaces within json Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-03-24 EMMA 2.0
ACTION-437 (edit) open See json-ld for a possible hint for namespace handling Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-03-24 EMMA 2.0
ACTION-442 (edit) open Draft bullet points on emma 2.0 for the wot tech landscape document Deborah Dahl 2016-06-23 EMMA 2.0
ACTION-443 (edit) open Write up the use case of millions of images from tpac and send to the group list B Helena RODRIGUEZ 2016-06-27
ACTION-454 (edit) open Turn bullet list into text Deborah Dahl 2016-09-05
ACTION-458 (edit) open Send wot person our vocabulary to get his comments and then we can reconcile our work with their work B Helena RODRIGUEZ 2016-10-24
ACTION-464 (edit) open Write more about uc-7 Kazuyuki Ashimura 2016-11-28

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: open.html,v 1.1 2017/02/13 15:50:46 ted Exp $