W3C Interop Tour - 21 May to 3 June 2002

Project acronym: QUESTION-HOW
Project Full Title:Quality Engineering Solutions via Tools, Information and Outreach for the New Highly-enriched Offerings from W3C: Evolving the Web in Europe
Project/Contract No. IST-2000-28767
Workpackage 6, Deliverable D6.1

Project Manager: Daniel Dardailler <danield@w3.org>
Author of this document: Marie-Claire Forgue<marie@w3.org>

Created: June 2002. Last updated: 22 August 2002.


The W3C has organized a series of one day events accross Europe, in 2002, which purpose is twofold:

The schedule of the events has been the following:

A public Web page has been published in April 2002 presenting the tour at: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/interoptour.html

A press release has been issued on 21 May and is available at: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/interoptour-pressrelease (translations in French, German and Dutch)

Interoperability as the theme of the tour

The Web is an application built on top of the Internet and, as such, has inherited its fundamental design principles. Along with evolution (accomodate future technologies) and decentralization (eliminate dependencies), interoperability implies that specifications for the Web's languages and protocols must be compatible with one another and allow (any) hardware and software used to access the Web to work together.


W3C Interop Tour in FRANCE, Paris - 21 May 2002 - Maison de la Chimie

Public accessible Web page (in French) at: http://www.w3.org/2002/04/Interop-Paris.html


The focus of this event was on XML technologies, Document Formats and the SVG specification. All the talks had been delivered in French.

Participants could register on line. Exactly 96 people did register on line and 6 people did register on site. In total, about 60 people did attend the conference.
Press Attendance
E Business, 01 Informatique, 01 Net, AFP, Atos Origin Multimédia, Décision Micro & Réseaux, Internet Actu, Internet Professionnel, Le Monde, Le Monde Informatique, Le Nouvel Hebdo, Newbiz, Silicon, Technoforum, ZDNet, Sonovision
Press articles:
Noticeable fact: amongst many interviews of W3C speakers, a video recording of Daniel Dardailler's presentation has been realized by Internet Actu (FTPress Group), and made available on the Web. There is a total of 7 video sequences [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
Décision Micro & Réseaux [24 June]
"La BnF adapte l'image vectorielle SVG pour son site Web", Francisco Villacampa, SVG, HTML, W3C, W3C interop Tour
E-Business [27 May]
"Interop tour du W3C: où sont les sociétés françaises", W3C, W3C Interop Tour
NetEconomy [22 May]
"Le W3C démarre à Paris sa tournée européenne sur l'interopérabilité" , Ariane Beky, W3C, SMIL, P3P, XML, SVG, RDF, MathML, W3C interop Tour
The Industry Standard [22 May]
"W3C tours Europe preaching interoperability", Joris Evers, W3C, W3C interop Tour, M.C. Forgue
Yahoo!France Finance [21 May]
"Le W3C organise une tournée européenne sur le thème de l'Interopérabilité" , W3C, W3C interop Tour
L'Atelier [14 May]
"Conférences : W3C Interop Tour" , Christine Weissrock, W3C, W3C interop Tour
Yahoo! France Finance [6 May]
"W3C présente Interop Tour, le 21 mai à Paris" , W3C, XML, SVG, W3C interop Tour, Daniel Dardailler, Vincent Quint, Ivan Herman
News-European Schoolnet [19 June]
"World Wide Web Consortium reaches out to Europe" , W3C, W3C offices, W3C interop Tour

W3C Interop Tour in AUSTRIA, Vienna - 28 May 2002 - Crowne Plaza Hotel

Public accessible Web page (in German) at: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Offices/Germany/Events/Vienna2002/overview.html


There was the official launch of the W3C Germany and Austria Office.

W3C Germany and Austria Office logo

The focus of this event was on XML technologies, and XHTML family. The talks were delivered half in German and half in English.

About 50 people did attend the conference.
Press Attendance
E-Market, E-Media, ORF, Computerwelt, dpa, Format, Profil
A press lunch has been organized.

W3C Interop Tour in IRELAND, Dublin - 30 May 2002 - Central Hotel Dublin

Public accessible Web page at: http://www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/FutureEvents/Dublin_event_announce.html


There was the official launch of the W3C UK and Ireland Office.

W3C UK and Ireland Office logo

The focus of this event was on XML technologies, and Web Services.

About 45 people did attend the conference.
Press Attendance
The Irish Times, ElectricNews.net, IT's Monday, ComputerScope, PC Live!
Press Articles
ElectricNews.Net [29 May]
"W3C comes to Ireland to spread the word", Matthew Clark, W3C, XML, HTML, VoiceXML,W3C Interop Tour, W3C Offices
The Irish Times [1 June]
"W3C still setting the standards for the Web" , Karlin Lillington, W3C, HTML, XML, Semantic Web, W3C Interop Tour, Tim Berners-Lee
IT's Monday [3 June]
"Specifications hold the web together" , John Sterne, W3C, Web Services, W3C Interop Tour, Daniel Dardailler

W3C Interop Tour in BELGIUM, Brussels - 3 June 2002 - Diamant Building Congress Centre

Public accessible Web page (in Dutch) at: http://www.w3c.nl/brussel_3juni2002.shtml and at: http://www.w3c.nl/brussel_3juni2002_eng.shtml


There was the official launch of the W3C Benelux Office.

W3C Benelux Office logo

The focus of this event was on XML technologies, and Device Independence.

About 50 people did attend the conference.
Press Attendance
Metro, Smart Business, Nouvelles des Technologies de l'Information, Clickx Magazine, Skynet Web Magazine, ZDNet, CMCorporate, Data News, Corporate Solutions, Business ICT, LAN News
Press Articles
METRO [6 June]
"W3C krijgt Benelux-broertje" , W3C, W3C Benelux Office,W3C Interop Tour
i-TEL [1 June]
"W3C Interop Tour op 3 Juni te Brussel" , W3C, W3C interop Tour


The overall tour has been very well received, the attendance in all stops being quite enthusiastic and very interested. It has to be noted that attendees were already acknowledgeable of W3C work, at all levels of understanding. They were few individuals but a great number of industrials, who did appreciate the quality of the presentations and asked good questions during the discussion periods.

W3C would like to thank Jacques Bus and all government and European representatives for their participation in the W3C Interop Tour.

A selection of pictures taken during the Interop Tour is available at: http://www.w3.org/2001/qh/WP_6/ITPictures/

Marie-Claire Forgue, W3C European Communications Officer (marie@w3.org)
Last revised: $Date: 2002/09/18 14:57:49 $