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Agenda for 24 June 2002 TAG teleconference
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Note: The Chair does not expect the agenda to change
after close of business (Boston time) Thursday of this week.
1. Administrative (15min)
- Confirm scribe
- Roll call. Regrets DC, TBL, SW
- Accept this agenda
- Next meeting? Proposed 1 July.
- Accept 17 June
- Confirm status of completed
- Confirm status of withdrawn
- IJ 2002/06/17: Add augmentedInfoset-22
to issues list. Unassigned
- IJ 2002/06/17: Add xlinkScope-23
to issues list. Unassigned
- NW 2002/06/17: Call for initial review on www-tag of "TAG Finding:
Consistency of Formatting Property Names, Values, and Semantics". Done
- PC 2002/06/17: Convey the desire to the XMLP WG that MIME type
registration be included in soap spec before going to last call.
- IJ/PC 2002/06/17: Update finding to ensure that it's clear that the
registration must be part of the document at last call if the WG expects
to skip CR. (Revised
2. Technical (75min)
2.1 New issues?
2.2 Findings in progress, architecture document (45min)
See also: findings.
- Comments on XMLP actions regarding SOAP and MIME type registration. See
email to
TAG. Report back to XMLP WG.
- Architecture document
- ACTION IJ 2002/03/18:
Integrate/combine one-page summaries (Revised 7 June)
- ACTION TBL 2002/05/05: Negotiate
more of IJ time for arch doc
- Internet Media Type registration, consistency of
- ACTION DC: research the bug in the svg diagram. There are two votes
to remove the diagram (DC and TB).
- QNames as Identifiers
- NW 2002/06/17: Call for one-week review on www-tag of QNames as
Identifiers. TAG expects to confirm completion next week. Done
2.3 Priority issues (30min)
- charmodReview-17: Confirm that this issue is
- Status of discussions with WSA WG about SOAP/GET?
- Withdraw? ACTION DO/TB/CL 2002/05/05: Pending XMLP
response, polish up DO's .1-level draft and find out what's
going on with XForms.
- ACTION DC 2002/06/10: Send note to WSA WG expressing concern about
normative binding for GET.
- augmentedInfoset-22
- ACTION DC 2002/06/17: Talk to XML Schema WG about PSVI. Report to
tag, who expects to decide whether to add as an issue next week.
- RFC3023Charset-21
- ACTION CL 2002/6/03:
Write up the issue in the next day or so.
- Status of URIEquivalence-15. Relation
to Character Model of the Web (chapter 4)? See text from TimBL on URI
canonicalization and email
from Martin in particular.
- If we get here: httpRange-14, namespaceDocument-8
Ian Jacobs, for TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2002/06/24 19:07:35 $