Tracker summary for Jeni Tennison

Technical Architecture Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 8 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-672 (edit) pending review Work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per Jeni Tennison 2012-11-06
ACTION-725 (edit) pending review With help from Peter, to create big picture overview coming out of analysis of TAG effectiveness Jeni Tennison 2012-11-20
ACTION-699 (edit) open check that W3C has found a good home for the output of the HTML Data TF, especially microdata/RDF conversion Jeni Tennison 2012-10-26
ACTION-794 (edit) open Draft text on closing of issue RDFinXHTML-35 Jeni Tennison 2013-04-11
ACTION-797 (edit) open tweak product page for Fragment ids Jeni Tennison 2013-04-30
ACTION-856 (edit) open Create a proposal documenting discussion (?) Jeni Tennison 2014-04-08
ACTION-857 (edit) open Make a respec document out of the proposal Jeni Tennison 2014-04-09
ACTION-867 (edit) open Respond to feedback on capability urls on www-tag list… Jeni Tennison 2014-06-05

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 33715.html,v 1.1 2019/11/04 16:18:57 carcone Exp $