W3C | TAG | Previous: 2 April 2007 | Next: 23rd April
Agenda of 16th April 2007 TAG teleconference
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- Administrative
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: Norm
- Roll call -- Regrets: TimBL, Noah (possible
- Minutes of previous meeting:
- Agenda Review
- Next Telcon: Propose: 23rd April -- scribe: Rhys.
Regrets: Stuart, need a volunteer to chair (and if possible prepare agenda)
for next week.
- F2F September 2007 Proposal
In the light of strawpoll results the
chair proposes that we accept the hosting offer from
TimBL/University of Southampton to meet for a 2-day F2F Mon-Tues 17-18th
September 2007, at University of Southampton, UK.
If you have given regrets for this telcon - please vote by email to tag@w3.org
- May AC Meeting in Banff (FYI rather than discussion)
Steve Bratt has indicated
that the AB have a plan to cover the proposed discussion topic. He continues
to welcome TAG volunteers to contribute in the panel (as individuals) or
through dicussion from the floor.
- Issue passwordsInTheClear-52
- Outstanding Action
Items (Hmmmm.... none)
- Draft Finding
- Suggested revisions
from MEZ
- Email
from Henry on 'onsubmit Hook'
- What next?
- Incorporate MEZ's suggestions? Some? All?
- Ideas on how to address 'onsubmit' hook scenario.
- Prospects of reaching concensus?
- Issue XMLVersioning-41
(and TagSoupIntegration-54)
To followup on CSS,
HTML versioning thread started by DanC
- Outstanding Action Items
- Summary of question and discussion (DanC?)
- Relevant material in current draft findings? part1 and
- Next Steps?
- Any concensus opinions to offer?
- New Actions to take?
- Any other business?
- CURIE's, 303 Redirects etc. (maybe?)
Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.2 $ of $Date: 2007/04/27 10:43:48 $