OWL Web Ontology Language: Errata

This document is an index of comments on the OWL Web Ontology Language Specification (published 10 February 2004) that are acknowledged as errors by the editors and/or W3C Director and Team. Corrections may be approved following W3C Process, section 7.6.1 Errata Management.

The errata are separated into six sections, corresponding to the six parts of the specification:

  1. Errata for OWL Overview
  2. Errata for OWL Guide
  3. Errata for OWL Reference
  4. Errata for OWL Semantics
  5. Errata for OWL Test Cases
  6. Errata for OWL Requirements

See W3C Manual of Style on Errata for suggestions about how errata are likely to be presented.

Errata for OWL Overview


Errata for OWL Guide

Errata for OWL Reference

Errata for OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax

Errata for OWL Test Cases


Errata for OWL Use Cases and Requirements

Dan Connolly and Sandro Hawke, for the W3C Director
$Revision: 1.10 $ of $Date: 2005/12/15 20:59:36 $