Multimedia Semantics XG (MM) Proposal

Sponsoring Members

This Incubator Group is proposed by:

Objectives and Scope

Interest for the publication of multimedia content in the Web is growing. Museums, archives, TV channels, private companies and personal users all publish on the media content on the Web: images videos, music, etc. These media contents usually come with some metadata (created manually, semi-automatically or automatically), which are generated by some processes in the life-cycle of multimedia documents, including pre-production, production, post-production, processing, archiving, search and retrieval, browsing, delivery, presentation, navigation and posting.

The need for standard representation multimedia metadata is recognized in a wide variety of different applications, covering both professional and personal usage of image data. Several standardization efforts tried to provide formats for multimedia metadata, covering different types of providers, users, processes and of metadata categories (examples include MPEG-7, MediaRSS, ID3, EXIF, VRA, various microformats etc). Unfortunately, the users are confused from all the above technologies and standards; consequently, multimedia contents in the Web usually are not annotated and thus the Web services concerning multimedia content are rather limited.


To address this issue, the main objectives of the Multimedia Semantics XG are as follows:

  1. Show how metadata interoperability can be achieved by using the Semantic Web technologies to integrate existing multimedia metadata standards. Thus, the goal of the XG is NOT to invent new multimedia metadata formats, but to leverage and combine existing approaches.
  2. Show, in addition to the interoperability advantages, the added value of the formal semantics provided by the Semantic Web. The XG will describe practical applications and services that provide extra functionality by using, for example, subsumption reasoning or rule-based approaches. These applications could be multi-platform, i.e. adapted to any device that accesses the web.
  3. Provide best practices for annotating and using multimedia content on the Web, based on practical use cases that identify the users, the type of content and the type of metadata that they want to provide.


  1. XG Report on using Semantic Web languages and tools for multimedia metadata interoperability
  2. XG Report with use cases showing best practices for annotation multimedia content on the Web and the advantages of having explicit semantics for such annotations.


This Incubator Group requests to be chartered for one year, from the 1st of May 2006 through the 1st of May 2007.


Raphaƫl Troncy,

Operations and Procedures

This Incubator Group operates according to W3C Incubator Group Procedures. All technical work is discussed on a public mailing list and on public Web pages. Please note that the proceedings of this Incubator Group (mailing list archives, minutes, etc.) are publicly visible.

This Incubator Group makes decisions by consensus, manages dissent and maintains standing of its participants according to the W3C Process Document.

The Incubator Group will have two co-chairs from the beginning, possibly one with an academic background and one with an industrial background (the group will work under two academic co-chairs if no active industrial chair can be found when the group starts).

Patent Policy

The Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group provides an opportunity to share perspectives on multimedia semantics. W3C reminds Incubator Group participants of their obligation to comply with patent disclosure obligations as set out in Section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy. While the Incubator Group does not produce Recommendation-track documents, when Incubator Group participants review Recommendation-track specifications from Working Groups, the patent disclosure obligations do apply.

Incubator Groups have as a goal to produce work that can be implemented on a Royalty Free basis, as defined in the W3C Patent Policy.


Regular meetings will be held fortnightly using the W3C's Zakim telephone/IRC facility. The mailing lists will provide an important part of the communication both internally and externally. In an effort to minimize costs, face to face meetings will be co-located with other meetings that a significant number of participants are attending. Potential candidates for co-locating face to face meetings include the SAMT2006 or ISWC2007 conferences.

Additional Information

$Id: MMXG-proposal.html,v 1.2 2006/04/19 12:04:31 rtroncy Exp $