IMPORTANT: these bookmarklets are outdated. Please visit the latest version.
This is a collection of RDFa-based bookmarklets. To use them:
These have been tested on Safari, Mozilla, and Firefox. IE6 should work for most of these, too. Opera should work for most, too.
This new version of the bookmarklet uses the current base URI as the default namespace for CURIEs. It then special-cases REL=next,home,prev in an HGRDDL transform. You can look at the hGRDDL transform. This version also includes a hard-wired handling of the hcard microformat profile, loads up the hGRDDL transform hcard-rdfa.js, and then does the RDFa parsing.
The CC License Boomarklet can be tested on:
The RDFa Highlighter can be tested on:
The GetCal can be tested on:
Read the HOWTO.