This is the list of issues that were raised in response to the first Working Draft of Device Independence Principles.
Each issue has been given a number for ease of reference. For each issue, the following table lists: the sections in the Working Draft that are affected, a link to the place the issue was raised, a brief description of the issue, and any related comments, and how the issue was resolved.
The version of the Device Independence Principles document to which these issues refer is:
Issue # | Sections affected | Raised by | Where | When | Issue | See also | Resolution |
DIP001 | 2.x | Mikael Lundahl | www-di | 2001-09-25 | Should the Principles address offline-capable devices and solutions? | Additional scenario from Mikael Lundahl | This is out of scope of our current work. |
DIP002 | 1.2 | Alan Hartley-Smith |
www-di | 2001-09-25 | Add 'anything' to the vision statement, to include non-human users | DI focuses on the human user experience. Providing non-human access to applications is within the scope of the Web Services Activity ( | |
DIP003 | unspecific | Al Gilman (WAI-PF) | www-archive | 2001-11-26 | WAI-PF general comments on DI | Links have been added to Section 1.2 and the References pointing to WAI Guidelines. A paragraph has been added to Section 2.3.2 to emphasise that a user should be able to access any content alternative. | |
DIP004 | 2.x | T. Yamakami (ACCESS) | www-di (Use cases 1, 4) | 2002-07-29 | End users need to be protected from content providers who 'push' inappropriate content | Reply from William Loughborough | It is now made clearer in Section 2.3.2 that the user must have control over what content alternative they receive. |
DIP005 | 2.x | T. Yamakami (ACCESS) | www-di (Use cases 2, 3, 5, 6) | 2002-07-29 | DIP-2 to DIP-7 are too web identifier-centric for the reality of the wireless internet | Even if the URI is not exposed to the user, it is still the main way to identify a web resource, for example when storing a bookmark. Wireless service providers may choose not to provide full web access. However, the concept of a URI is central to the Web Architecture ( Discussion on the relationship between a URI and the delivered content is continuing in the W3C Technical Architecture Group ( |