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W3C XML - Key Management Services Workshop

Redwood City, CA
19 July 2001

Hosted by




This workshop will consider whether and how to pursue XML Key Management Services as a W3C activity.

In the morning we begin by understanding the requirements driving the development of key management services in an XML environment. We will proceed to consider the scope of the activity and the merits of constituting a W3C working group to develop a specification. In the afternoon we will examine detailed proposals for the starting point for a working group and develop a candidate plan for the working group.


8.30 - 9.00 Continental Breakfast

9.00 - 9.35 (35 minutes): Introduction

  1. Danny Weitzner, The question on the table – shall we constitute a W3C activity for XML Key Management Services? (10m)
  2. Group, Introductions Around the Room (15m)
  3. Joe Pato, Agenda (5m)
  4. Group, Agenda Bashing (5m)

9.35 - 10.30 (55 minutes): Requirements I

  1. Phillip Hallam-Baker, VeriSign – W3C XKMS workshop position paper.
  2. Mark Curtis, Reuters – XKMS for B2B electronic services.

10.30 - 10.45 break

10.45 - 12.30 (105 minutes): Requirements II

  1. Merlin Hughes, Baltimore (20m): Bulk operations to support smartcard management (X-BULK)
  2. Mike Just, Entrust (20m): XKMS to satisfy card manufacturing systems
  3. Blair Dillaway, Microsoft (20m): Beyond XKMS – requirements for a .NET world
  4. TBD – XKMS and the four-corners model
  5. TBD – Inter-domain trust models

12.30 - 1.30 lunch

1.30 - 2.20 Scope and Relationship to other activities (50 minutes)

2.20 - 3.10 Specification proposal (50 minutes)

3.10 - 3.25 break

3.25 - 5:00 Content IV (95 minutes)

  1. Joseph Reagle, Process and Action-items (45m)
    1. Summary of W3C Process
    2. Charter
    3. Requirements Document
    4. Specification Proposals
  2. Joe Pato, Close Technical Issues with Action Items (50m)

Joseph Reagle <reagle@w3.org> Last updated: 16th July 2001.