W3C Team confidential!

DRM/IPR workshop Trip


2001-01-20 Saturday

17:35 to 19:10
AA #864 to Chicago
20:45 to 20:45
AA #88 to BRU

2001-01-21 Sunday

14:10 to 16:00
AA #6235 to Nice

Arrived in nice; rented a cellphone from Call'Phone; quite reasonable: the only charge is airtime.$$

Tried to avoid the cost of a taxi ride to Antibes by taking the bus$$; missed the Anitbes stop; took a taxi back to Antibes from Cannes.$$

20:30 to 21:30
Dinner w/Alan, ...

2001-01-22 Monday


9.45 - 10.45
Vora (Hewlett-Packard):
  • interesting point: personal profiles are assets; authentication is trade in an asset
  • TODO: study zero-knowledge proofs (what logic? any connection to Semantic Web proof theory?)
Still (University of Helsinki); she explained how the US, EU law is based on principles like free flow of information, right to privacy; I wonder: are these principles held in Asia?

first sale doctrine is something I hadn't heard before. MarkM explained it to me later.

I'd like to know if the term license has a home in the legal web; perhaps in the Uniform Commercial Code?

Kawamura (Daisy Consortium) hmm... is screen-reading a performance right?
notes on the discussion:
  • participants repeatedly report that extant DRM systems handle exceptions like interlibrary loan poorly.
  • rights that expire vs. perpetual rights
13:34 to 15:30
Godfrey Rust (Indecs Project)

The emphasis on events seems like the same modelling strategy I wrote about in protocols for state distribution and Communication Protocol Semantics and my larch HTTP trait

Eric, Ralph, and I discussed the way my brain and the web work so well together; I explained that I use dates as the dominant axis for all navigation; Eric uses places. We realized that events = dates+places.

Peter@IBM chimed in about the MPEG data model and such; he referred to a "principles and concepts list" somewhere in the MPEG spec; I asked where I could find it, and he said he'd send it to the workshop list.
16:00 to 18:00
Vaughn Iverson (Intel) regarding our letigious(sp?) society, he recommended The Death of Common Sense.
Stephen Mooney (Pye Brook)
  • TODO: connect the E-Book Identifier Sig to our URI work (see also: ZRH chat@@).
  • TODO: study EBX trust model
Larry Lannom (CNRI)
  • rdf query svc: the handle protocol is basically "select statement where subject=X" or "select statement where subject=X and predicate=Y".
  • Hdl protocol: any URI

    Tim, didn't you write, in an early version of the architecture document, something like "if you accept any URI scheme, you gotta accept them all"? I can't find it now. I thought I cited it from the ICE staff comment, but I seem to have copied the information without citing any source.

    New systems should use URIs where a reference exists, without making constraint on the scheme (old or new) which is chosen.
    --arch doc
  • Larry claimed 3 million DOIs in use

TODO: Danny suggested a NOTE explaining how to do what DOIs/handles do with existing technology, ala perls. See also: Engelbart's requirement for a hyperdocument library system.

social event. sat next to MPEG guys:
Peter P. Schirling
Senior Consulting Engineer
Digital Media Standards
Research Division

River Road MS 862N
Essex Junction, VT 05452

Tel +1 802 769 6123
Fax +1 802 769 7362
Mobile +1 802 238 2036
Notes ID: peter schirling@ibmus

Here are the address details I promised you:

Rob Koenen
InterTrust Technologies Corporation

Number is NL:
Land:  +31 10 485 82 15 (until mid feb)
Cell:   +31 6 13 22 83 17 (will keep working)

As of mid February:

tel: +1 (408) 855 0100
fax: +1 (408) 855 0144
4750 Patrick Henry Drive 
Santa Clara, CA 95054
-- Rob K, Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:49:09 -0800

2001-01-23 Tuesday


9.30 - 11.00
Judie Mulholland (Florida State University) after wandering around a bunch of platitudes that I couldn't really connect with, she presented a slide about W3C's role that I really liked:

W3C Role

  • Advocacy
  • Collaboration
  • Research & Development
Mark S. Manasse (Compaq) great stuff! esp
  • digital notarization for fixing transactions in time cheaply
  • if pirates rise above the noise, you can find them the same way their customers can (see also: the "scary" monitoring presentation)
11.15 - 12.30
Jeremy Wyant (NTRU) he said his technology is in the standards process; which standards process?
15.30 - 17.00 Closing Session

idea for the workshop report: describe the evolution in publishing economics that was mentioned many times; each time, rightsholders feared the increased access, but each time, it benefitted them economically; why should the Internet not follow the trend?

  1. lending libraries
  2. video rental
  3. internet


  • advocacy/collaboration/R&D.
  • Rights expression language (architecture: metadata; trusted/signed metadata)
  • MPEG liaison (collaboration) timeframe? available resources?
  • notarization, tracking/notice-and-takedown (advocacy, architecture)
DIDL with Vaughan, @@ @ HP. TODO: follow up on packaging with www-xml-packaging, RDDL, Jelliffe, ...
another 4 course meal; with the sophia team (where was it? photos?)
even later
out to Cannes with Danny, Eric, Nokia guy, @@other guy

Noodling: Rights, Events, ...

an idea tha occurred to me: <myDoc> dc:rights loc:preserve meaning: "I hereby claim copyright under U.S. law and grant the library of congress the right to archive this content." Hmm... perhaps better: "I claim copyright under U.S. law; I have deposited a copy of this document with the U.S. library of congress." Hmm... who is I anyway? authentication...

Eric drew a picture in my notebook; here's an n3 transcription:

  rdf:type :Creation;
  dc:rights loc:Preserve;
  :place [a City; :called "Sophia"];
  :time "2000-01-23";
  :agent [= :DanC; a Person; :called "Dan Connolly"];
    [= :myDoc;
       dc:subject ddc:345;
       dc:title "...";
       dc:creator :DanC;

illustrating a rule ala

{ { :who dc:creator :doc }
  { [ a :Event; a Creation;
      :agent :who ] :output :doc. }
} a l:Truth; l:forAll :who, :doc.

modelling patent rights from an events perspective

Trusted Hardware

The Gemplus talk acknowledged that smartcards have not been accepted in the marketplace; it got me thinking about various forms of trusted hardware that have been deployed:

more than hardward, they are accepted social protocols (aka business models) with varying (but widely accepted) levels of privacy, durability, risk, and reward.

2001-01-24 Wednesday

After w3m, Danny and I discussed the patent policy WG schedule. He agreed to take one of his early drafts--one that explained the problem without proposing much of a solution--and publish it as a NOTE (after tweaking it slightly to, for example, mention the WG). We looked at the schedule; the business of ammending the membership contract and such. It's gonna take more resource than we have allocated to it so far.

2001-01-25 Thursday

movies on the plane: "Bring it On" "Heaven can Wait"
05:45 to 06:45
Danny gave me a ride to NCE
09:00 to 10:20
Swissair #755 to Zurich
13:05 to 17:40
DL #067 to Atlanta
Engelbart views
multiview editinq...
Noah, lotus notes vs XSLT
    failed lpl?
Ah... MVC (smalltalk)
rdf model (abstract syntax)

cvs model: lines of text
19:55 to 21:10
DL #1544 to MCI D35
21:30 to 22:30

On Running a workshop

Before the Trip


handy stuff to have offline during the trip

Colophon: quick and dirty mobile web tools

My laptop is busted, so I'm relying on my palmtop; I'm using Plucker! The free web portal for your PalmOSŪ handheld to cache the relevant parts of the web, as indicated by this document, there.

ARGH! Amaya is wedged! it won't follow links. So I've gotta use emacs. Argh! No relative link support.

input to plucker dev:

See also: notebook, folder, palm expenses, palm memos. expense envelope@@

for sysreq:

To get data back out of the pilot after the trip, I'm using coldsync (1.4.6 released 29 Sep 2000) and a couple tools: toXML.pl, and datebook2html.xsl.

Dan Connolly
$Revision: 1.9 $ of $Date: 2001/02/25 21:26:09 $ by $Author: connolly $