W3C UserInterface Domain

Tomorrow’s Web

Johan Hjelm, W3C/Ericsson
Dave Raggett, W3C/HP

Presentation in the W3C track at WWW'9 Amsterdam: Device Independent Web Session, Tuesday, May 16, 2000

Lots of devices & lots of display formats

pictures of a wide variety of devices for accessing the web


Device Independence — Dream or Reality?

Visual and Aural Web Pages

Squeezing the Web into a mobile

picture of a large web page being poured into a cell phone

From Narration to Interaction

A Vision for the Mobile Web

is this an authorised user

picture of a cell phone

what do my friends think of the same thing
How long until my next appointment, including how long to get there from here Before the next meeting, put the latest financial figures and news items about people in the room
No calls now, I am in a meeting

Hello beautiful, here's my phone number
what is relevant on the screen

where am I?

The Importance of Dialog

Voice Dialog Example

C (computer): Welcome to the weather information service.
   What state?

H (human): Help

C: Please speak the state for which you want the weather.

H: Georgia

C: What city?

H: Tblisi

C: I did not understand what you said. What city?

H: Macon

C: The conditions in Macon Georgia are sunny and clear at 11 AM … 

Voice Dialog Markup

<form id="weather_info">       
  <block>Welcome to the weather information service.</block>       
  <field name="state">       
    <prompt>What state?</prompt>       
    <grammar src="state.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/>       
    <catch event="help">       
      Please speak the state for which you
      want the weather.       
  <field name="city">       
    <prompt>What city?</prompt>       
    <grammar src="city.gram" type="application/x-jsgf"/>       
    <catch event="help">       
      Please speak the city for which you
      want the weather.       
    <submit next="/servlet/weather" namelist="city state"/>       

What can the device say about itself?

CC/PP – an example

tree diagram illustrating a CC/PP model

CC/PP - markup

 <rdf:Description about="HardwarePlatform"> 
    Vendor="Nokia" Model="2160" Type="PDA" 
    ScreenSize="800x600x24" CPU="PPC" 
    Keyboard="Yes" Memory="16mB" 
    Bluetooth="YES" Speaker="Yes" /> 
  <prf:Modifications Memory="32mB" /> 
 <rdf:Description about="SoftwarePlatform"> 
   OS="EPOC1.0" HTMLVersion="4.0" 
   WAPVersion="1.0" WMLScript="1.0" /> 
   Sound="Off" Images="Off" /> 
 <rdf:Description about="EpocEmail1.0"> 
   <prf:Defaults HTMLVersion="4.0" /> 
 <rdf:Description about="EpocCalendar1.0"> 
  <prf:Defaults HTMLVersion="4.0" /> 
  <rdf:Description about="UserPreferences"> 
 <prf:Defaults Language="English"/> 

How CC/PP works?

As long as there is a one-to-one relationship between request and response, it is more efficient to do transformations of content close to the origin server - because it decreases network traffic.

server delivers personalized response on receiving CC/PP info

Transforming content also implies a possibility to filter it - for instance, filter out content that should not be displayed at the mobile terminal, segmenting content in ways that fits the user and the terminal, etc.

Role of Content Transformation


diagram showing flow between device, proxy and server


XForms Data Types

XForms User Interface

diagram showing how UI control binds to data field

Where Next?

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Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>, Johan Hjelm <hjelm@w3.org>