W3C Technology and Society

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W3C DRM 2001 Workshop Notes & Presentations

INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France

See also the Photos from the Workshop

Monday 22 January 2001

  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Social and Legal Requirements
  3. Publishers Requirements Notes
  4. Architecture/Frameworks - Infrastructure
  5. Architecture/Frameworks - Standards and Interoperability

Tuesday 23 January 2001

  1. DRM Counter Points
  2. Security and Trust
  3. Multimedia and Mobile
  4. Closing Session (see also the bullet-point list from this brainstorming session)

[Workshop Home] [Agenda] [List of Position Papers]

Created by Rigo Wenning February 2001

Last update $Date: 2001/05/22 16:26:11 $ by $Author: rigo $