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W3C XML-Encryption Workshop

San Francisco, CA
2 November 2000

Hosted by




In the morning we begin by understanding the difference between encryption and authorization and the resulting the requirements of authorization; we expand our scope of requirement discussion; then focus the question on protocol and end-to-end security issues. The afternoon we focus on the present proposals, identify issues, determine direction, and discuss how to move forward.


8.30 - 9.00 Continental Breakfast

9.00 - 9.35 (35 minutes): Introduction

  1. Group, Introductions Around the Room (15m)
  2. Joseph Reagle, Agenda (10m)
  3. Group, Agenda Bashing (10m)

9.50 - 10.30 (40 minutes): Encryption, Authentication, and Authorization

  1. Mark Scherling, XCert: Encryption requirements resulting from proposed authorization model 
  2. Christian Geuer-Pollmann, Uni-Siegen: Comparison/analysis of encryption and authorization.

10.30 - 10.45 break

10.45 - 12.50 (125 minutes): RequirementsI

  1. Steve Wiley, MyProof (20m): Requirements with respect to deployed parsers, target document fragments, nested encryption, etc.
  2. Eric Cohen, PriceWaterHouseCoopers (20m): XBRL requirements and lots of questions (process and technical).
  3. Thane Plambeck, Verisign (20m): Verisign requirements for XML Encryption
  4. Mike Wray, Hewlett-Packard (20m): XML and end-to-end security .
  5. Barb Fox, Microsoft (20m): Fire-and-forget encryption.

12.50 - 2.00 lunch

2.00 - 3.30 Proposals  (90 minutes)

3.30 - 3.45 break

3.45 - 5:30 Content IV (105 minutes)

  1. Joseph Reagle, Close Technical Issues with Action Items (60m)
  2. Joseph Reagle, Process and Action-items (45m)
    1. Summary of W3C Process
    2. Charter
    3. Requirements Document
    4. Specification Proposals

Joseph Reagle <reagle@w3.org> Last updated: 19th September 2000.