Work flow scenarios

From W3C Wiki

This page is to provide very simple scenarios of how different components of the block diagram interrelate and depend on each other during usage. The Block Diagram elements refer to the Ann B Block Diagram, Version 4; April 27, 2012; which are here PDF, and here Powerpoint

Scenario One: Status on an event changes


Multiple people are attached to a Little League game with a future start date. It starts to rain and 1 hr before the scheduled start of the game. All the people that are attached to the game are notified.

Block Diagram elements touched on: 1. Human interactions: Group Dynamics: Membership list, Distribution list 2. Human interactions: Sharing / Collaboration: Events (people have elected to follow updates on the event before the change happens) 3. Human interactions: Messaging: e-mail like 4. About the Human: Addressing: email address 5. Human interactions: Collaboration / Newsfeed: Alerts / Notifications

Scenario Two: Collaboration on a question


A question is asked to a group about how to adjust a used 1986 Cincinnati 1212 CNC Machine to a pre-established group.

Block Diagram elements touched on: 1. Human interactions: Sharing / Collaboration: Document (question created in an online forum / document) 2. Human interactions: Group Dynamics: Member list (this group is already discovered, or has found each other and joined into a group) 3. Human interactions: Collaboration / Newsfeed: Alerts / Notifications (Group members are notified) 4. Human interactions: Reactions: Comments (answers) 5. Human interactions: Reactions: Recommendations (comments are voted up) 6. Human interactions: Reactions: Tags (a user tags the discussion around the general issue) 7. About The Human: Profile 8. About The Human: Addressing: email address 9. Ubiquitous attributes: Threading 10.Ubiquitous attributes: Sorting