
From W3C Wiki

This page describes the vocabs planned to be used for the W3PhotoSpec project.

For hints on implementation and explaination, try http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2004Jan/0096.html

The spec is here: http://www.bnowack.de/w3photo/pages/image_vocabs

Related links: WWW2004, chump search for WWW2004; project specification - W3PhotoSpec; some preliminary vocab ideas ImageDescriptionRdfExamples; project UI discussions ImageDescriptionUserInterface.

Vocabularies for w3photo project

Title/Description Documentation Related
Image Regions Morten's mail (see related vocabs: Jim Ley's SVG vocab, Mindswap image and multimedia vocab) http://www.w3.org/2004/02/image-regions# (was http://jibbering.com/vocabs/image/#) (schema is not yet up there: see http://www.bnowack.de/w3photo/ Annotea annotation schema Annotea Annotation Schema issue: annotator as Person?
Creative Commons Creative Commons Website,specific license,using RDF for CC licenses
FOAF FOAF vocab documentation note: for Image, depicts (whole image), Person, mbox_sha1sum, name, thumbnail?
Dublin Core Dublin Core Metadata Element Set
Jen Golbeck/Mindswap conference Ontology comments from Nick Gibbins, followup from Jen [http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical RDF iCal vocab

Some example documents smallest example paths example example without paths

Required properties and Classes for the w3photo project data

'MUST': means that the RDF must validate and must contain content (i.e. no empty tags).

'MAY': means that this property/classes may be supported by tools. In RDF data there could always be extra properties and classes in a file; this document is intended for use by implementors who want to be sure that their data can be used usefully in the w3photo project specifically.

  • There MUST be a link from the metadata about the page to the Image; the metadata about the image MUST be contained within the document itself

 <rdf:Description rdf:about=''>
  <an:annotates rdf:resource='http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/Images/ClosingPanel/Closingpanel5.gif'/>

  • There MUST be an an:author property, which MUST link to a foaf:Person or foaf:Agent. All Persons and Agents MUST have an identifying property, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option)


  • There MUST be a date created for the metadata


  • There MUST be license and rights properties for the metadata; cc:Agent MUST have some identifying property, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option) (dc:title here???)

   <cc:license rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/" />
       <foaf:name>Libby Miller</foaf:name>

  • There MUST be license and rights properties for the Image; cc:Agent MUST have some identifying property, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option)

 <foaf:Image rdf:about='http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/Images/ClosingPanel/Closingpanel5.gif'>
    <cc:license rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/" />
        <dc:title>CERN photo</dc:title>
        <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://www.cern.ch/"/>

  • There MUST be a link to the creator of the foaf:Image; all foaf:Persons and foaf:Agents MUST have an identifying property, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option) (dc:title here???)

    <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://www.cern.ch/"/>

  • There MUST be a creation date (and optionally time) for the Image


  • There MUST be a link from the Image to the event using the event's homepage (url)

      <rdfs:Class rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#Vevent"/>
      <ical:url rdf:resource='http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/'/>

Optional properties and Classes for the w3photo project data

Additionally, one can talk about the parts of an image

  • There MAY be image:width and image:height properties
  • There MAY be image:hasRegion properties
  • If image:hasRegion is present, image:coords property MUST be present

 <foaf:Image rdf:about='http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/Images/ClosingPanel/Closingpanel5.gif'>
   <image:Rectangle rdf:ID='p1'>
    <image:coords>6,106 84,181</image:coords>

  • If image:hasPart is present, dc:description for that part MAY be present

    <dc:description>Joseph Hardin looking interested</dc:description>

  • If image:hasPart is present, image:regionDepicts MAY be present
  • If image:regionDepicts is present and depicts a foaf:Person or Agent, an identifying property MUST be present, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option)

       <foaf:name>Joseph Hardin</foaf:name>

Finally one can also talk about what the image as a whole depicts, and it's description:

  • There MAY be a description for the image as a whole

  <dc:description>The middle of the closing panel: from left to right: Dr. 
Joseph Hardin, NCSA; Robert Cailliau, CERN; Tim Berners-Lee, CERN; Dan Connolly, 
HaL Software. Copyright CERN (CERN Photo)</dc:description>

  • There MAY be one or more foaf:depicts properties present, referring to the whole image. If foaf:depicts is present and depicts a foaf:Person or Agent, an identifying property MUST be present, one of foaf:mbox_sha1sum, foaf:homepage, foaf:weblog, foaf:page, or foaf:name (name is the worst case option)

 <foaf:Image rdf:about='http://www94.web.cern.ch/WWW94/Images/ClosingPanel/Closingpanel5.gif'>

    <name>Dan Connolly</name>


The namespace declarations:





  • an:author vs dc:creator vs foaf:maker and foaf:Person
  • creative commons - how important is date of birth? can we use foaf:Person?
  • dealing with depictions of subevents without homepages (identfying events)
  • acceptable ways of identifying people