Use Cases

From W3C Wiki

Template for Use Cases

This is a generic template for proposing use cases.

Submitter(s): company (name), ...

Tracker Issue ID: ISSUE-NN

Category: How would you categorize this issue?

  1. gap in existing specifications (=> IG to draft a proposal for an existing WG)
  2. require new specification/WG (=> IG to draft a proposal for W3C Director)
  3. can be addressed as part of a guidelines document to be produced by the IG (=> The proponent should draft some text for the document)


  • high level description/overview of the goals of the use case
  • Schematic Illustration (devices involved, work flows, etc) (Optional)
  • Implementation Examples (e.g. JS code snippets) (Optional)


  • Explanation of benefit to ecosystem
  • Why were you not able to use only existing standards to accomplish this?


  • other use cases, proposals or other ongoing standardization activities which this use case is dependant on or related to

What needs to be standardized:

  • What are the new requirements, i.e. functions that don't exist, generated by this use case?


  • any relevant comment that is good to track related to this use case

Use Cases

UC-0: Multiple Media Stream Synchronization as an example

Submitter(s): W3C (Kaz Ashimura)

Reviewer(s): Kaz

Tracker Issue ID: ISSUE-NN

Category: 1. gap with existing specification


  • The ability for two or more related media streams to play in sync. This could be between multiple media elements on a single web page or on separate devices. For example, Eve is watching a figure skating video. The video stream is available with multiple camera angles. She'd like to see an overall view of the event in one media element and a close-up of the skater in another media element. Both streams should be synchronized.


  • This is being requested by the TV industry.
  • It may be possible to achieve this with existing web standards but this should be investigated.


  • List of possible related standardization activities...


  • What can't be done with the existing mechanism?

What needs to be standardized:

  • New features? APIs? data model? language?


  • Anything you want to add