
From W3C Wiki

Test formats

Test formats are maintained through public-test-infra@w3.org.

  • testharness.js
  • human tests
  • reftests
  • web driver api tests (on hold, waiting for the API)

Otherwise, there are tests that are atypical, like Widgets tests.

The following tests are outside the scope of Working Group but could be done within the IG:

  • stability tests
  • performance tests

= metadata associated with tests

We encourage everyone interested in this topic to send mail to public-test-infra@w3.org.

test underlying tooling

This includes Web server setup and ability to replicate the setup.

ACTION: plh to figure out if we have a irc logger for #testing.

test framework and management tools

This is about http://w3c-test.org/framework/ and related. Peter is responsible for that.

ACTION: Peter to add pointers here about framework and management information (or point from here to the right page).

guidelines for working group task force

Bryan Sullivan is the Chair of the guidelines for working group task force.

This includes:

  • documentation associated with test formats
  • approval process for tests
  • organization
    • should groups have test suite editors and/or test task forces?

Wilhelm is interested to write a first draft and Bryan is interested in doing the research.

test collection

This effort is lead by Mike Smith.

The mission is to increase the number of tests for specifications. This includes identifying the gasp and chasing down existing tests.

Facilitating test submissions for community at large

This is a longer term project. This task is intended to facilitate the submission of tests from Web authors/developers at large. One idea: pastebin for tests?

Last week in testing IG

This is done by Wilhelm. The goal is to report on IG progress on some regular basis.

W3C Test plan

This task is intended to develop a test plan for W3C specifications, including building a business plan ("Adopt a section" program).