
From W3C Wiki

Ordered/Labelled Collections of Concepts

Some concept schemes collect groups of concepts under a label, where the label does not denote a concept in its own right. These labels are often called 'node labels' or 'guide terms'. For example:

@@TODO extract from AAT or THA

To represent this kind of structure, do for example:

@@TODO example of using skos:Collection with skos:member

Collections may also be nested, for example:

@@TODO example of nested collections.

In the above examples, the order of the members of a collection is not significant. To represent an ordered collection, do for example:

@@TODO example of ordered collection

An ordered collection may have an rdfs:label property, but it is not necessary.

Below is an example of nested ordered labelled collections:

@@TODO nested ordered labelled collections.

Note that, for ordered collections, the following rule applies:

list rule for skos:member

Note also that, for all properties of type skos:[[CollectableProperty]] e.g. skos:narrower the following rule applies:

collectable property rule

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