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'This pages is going to be deleted and its content moved to sub-pages'

Things to be done with SIOC

To discuss features, bugs and improvements please visit the SIOC-Dev mailing list. You can subscribe to it by sending an e-mail to sioc-dev-subscribe "at"

SIOC Ontology

See: SIOC Specification



* Add documentation for SIOC Types and SIOC Services modules
* TODO: add a chapter "SIOC and FOAF" and "SIOC and AtomOWL" and "SIOC and SKOS" 20060826/goern
* TODO: remove RDF basics from "Why does SIOC use RDF?" and point to RDF primer 20060826/goern
* remove the properties that describe a Person rather than an account from SIOC and move them to FOAF


* remove revisor_of/has_revisor/next_version/previous_version (so we can have the three possible cases as options in future).

Evolution and Extension of SIOC What is the process for changes? Link to Arch Descission document?

SIOC Modules talks about future changes... why?


* describe the interaction of SIOC and SKOS
* mention SIOC is not "content management" related but "community structure describing"


RDFS/OWL Vocabulary Documentation Generator

SpecGen4 - A script to generate SIOC specification.


* remove properties that are deprecated
* ...


* resolve namespaces other than SIOC (FOAF, RDFS, Dublin Core)
* figure how to describe links to outside ontologies and show them here
* show all other OWL information (which was not added yet)


* show OWL information: [Datatype|Object]Properties, Inverse, InverseFunctional, ...,



See: RDF Crawler (in SVN)


* limit crawling in depth
* add blacklist (regexps or domain masks)


* limit crawling in depth in terms of hops from host to host
* report crawler user agent in HTTP requests
* incremental crawling - see "SIOC - Incremental crawling"
* crawling report is saved in RDF
* exclude comments/replies (optional)
* ignore comments in links startup file - lines starting with #
* limit to the same hostname
* indicate baseUrl when parsing an RDF/XML file - to assign correct URIs for nodeIDs
* report time and number of triples crawled (AlexPassant)


SIOC Browser

Home page: SIOC Browser

ToDo List: SiocRdfBrowser

SIOC / semiBlog integration

* semiBlog produces html links to rdf-documents which contain:
 * a graph describing the whole post
 * one document for each topic/subject/... of the post, repeating the metadata about just one topic
* the SIOC browser currently picks this up and makes triples (Post, seeAlso, DocumentURL) from it
* instead it would be nice to produce the following triples:
 * one triple (Post, seeAlso, whole_post_doc_URL)
 * n triples (Post, topic, (_x, seeAlso, individual_doc_URL) )

SIOC Sites / blog:

* done: added link to SIOC from the page header and a human visible link to SIOC data from the blog sidebar

sparql / browser site:

* fix mod_rewrite statements
  * fix to work w/o slash
* improve sample SIOC queries

* create a home page for sparql endpoint
* create a main HTML page served by apache website needs to be updated to reflect Semantic Radar 20060826/goern


* add helper text to Semantic Radar page in order to notify the user if an extension was not installed

Generic ideas

* Look at SnipSnap Wiki - they are exporting RDF. they might find SIOC useful.
* CMS exporters
  * Mambo
  * Type3
* Blog exporters
  * Movable Type