SIOC/DotClear Exporter

From W3C Wiki


DotClear is a blogging platform, that is widely used in the French blogosphere and written in PHP. Using the PHP API, a SIOC exporter was written and packaged as a plugin so that users can install it from their software backend. The exporter creates data for users, posts, comments and trackbacks. It also extracts external links from any blog post using sioc:links_to property, and uses both categories or tags (requiring the tag plugin to be installed) to define sioc:topic(s). Finally, it also features autodiscovery links that will point to the SIOC data corresponding to the currently viewed page.

As DotClear is currently being rewritten as a new version with a different plugin architecture, a SIOC exporter for DotClear2 will be created as soon as a stable version is released. In the meantime, this plugin will be packaged as part of a more generic Semantic Web package for DotClear, including FOAF, SIOC and other Semantic Web capabilities.

See also: DotClear SIOC Export Plugin


Bugs in DotClear exporter (using API):

* in autodiscovery links:
  * & is not escaped in auto-discovery links (e.g.,
  * URLs to SIOC data are incorrect - e.g., points to non-existant location (information about post is located at ...&id=95)
* in all SIOC pages:
  * admin:generatorAgent reports http://tempurl?version=0.1 (should it report the version of API or of DotClear exporter? if it is the DotClear exporter, then version should be 1.x for this version)
* in SIOC page about posts:
  * for the has_creator property there is only label of the sioc:User shown. no e-mail, sha1_sum or rdfs:seeAlso