
From W3C Wiki

An Attempt for Formal Objection Process (Drafted by Judy Zhu)

  • Step 1: W3C Team (AG) does research&analysis and provides report to ODC
  • Step 2: W3C team (AG) provides more than 1 solutions for ODC to approve; If ODC does not approve, Team goes back and makes new proposals
  • Step 3:ODC reviews solutions and approves if applicable; ODC could also provide suggested solutions
  • Step 4: W3C team (AG) applies ODC approved solutions and tries to achieve consensus with objector
  • Step 5: If consensus reached between the Team/ODC and the objector about the objection, ODC announces the decision and result to AC; if consensus cannot be reached between the Team/ODC and the objector about the objection, ODC bring the issue to AC and request AC vote (or other ultimate solutions)